How to explain to children what are synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are opposite concepts. Many children have trouble understanding this. Nothing better than using a simple example so that they learn to differentiate them and understand what it means. Here are some games that you can use with your children to review synonyms and antonyms at hom

Synonyms and antonyms are opposite concepts. Many children have trouble understanding this. Nothing better than using a simple example so that they learn to differentiate them and understand what it means.

Here are some games that you can use with your children to review synonyms and antonyms at home.

What are synonyms and how to explain it to children

Synonyms are words that have the same or very similar meaning. So we will say that happy and cheerful have the same meaning, then they are synonymous. It means the same thing:

I'm happy.

I'm happy.

We were walking home.

We were walking home.

I wait for my husband.

I wait for my husband.

The synonym is a resource widely used by writers as it is a way to avoid being repetitive. I give you an example:

He had a beautiful and tiny nose, a beautiful blond hair and a beautiful smile.

Here we see that the words, beautiful, beautiful and beautiful are in the same sentence and mean the same thing, but they do not repeat themselves.

What are antonyms and how to explain it to children

Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning. For example:

The child is dressed.

The child is naked.

I am very happy.

I'm very sad.

Go down the mountain.

Climb the mountain.

That's why we will say that they are words that mean exactly the opposite.

Game of synonyms and antonyms for children

Like so many other times we will resort to games so that children learn in a natural way and the concept is clear in their memory.

The idea is to learn while having fun, so this time we will use the famous emoticons.

1. SYNONYMS: We can explain to children that just as emoticons have different faces and can show the same emotions, so there are words that are written differently but can have the same meaning.

ANTONYMS: Antonyms, as we have said before, are words with the opposite meaning.

To see if you have understood the concept, we can choose several emoticons that show joy and the same number that show sadness. We will ask the children to form random pairs and then we will play to find out if they are synonyms or antonyms.

We can also do type exercises:

1. Link arrows with synonyms:

happy dancing

wanting to jump

dancing happy

jumping love

peace tranquility

(They would have to join jumping with jumping, peace with tranquility ...). Un

2. Connect by antonyms arrows:

love bad

beautiful white

good undress

black hate

dress ugly

(They would have to join black with white, pretty with ugly ...).

3. With rhymes we can play rel fill in the gaps

with the corresponding synonyms and antonyms. There will be several solutions. I leave you this verses: (Verses for synonyms)

Happy is ... (happy)

Dancing is ... (dancing)

Choosing ... (choosing)

Equal is wanting to ... (love)

The tranquility is ... (calm)

to have calm is to have ... (peace)

the one of the lie ... (lie) decir and to say never is ... (never)

(Verses for antonyms)

The one of nude is ... (dress)

the up is ... (down)

the enemy is ... (friend)

the silent is ... (talk)

The silent is the (noise) querer to want is ... (despise)

the night is the ... (day)

the one to laugh is ... (cry)

Marisa Alonso Santamaría

Poetisa specialized in children