8 Weeks of pregnancy

You may be very curious about your baby's sex. It is still early to know if your baby will be a boy or girl, however, sex was defined at the beginning of conception. An ultrasound will answer your question if you want it around the 20th week of pregnancy. Although there are already home tests to kno

You may be very curious about your baby's sex. It is still early to know if your baby will be a boy or girl, however, sex was defined at the beginning of conception. An ultrasound will answer your question if you want it around the 20th week of pregnancy. Although there are already home tests to know the sex of the baby or you can simply take a look at the traditional Chinese table of conception.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

In week 8 of pregnancy, your uterus keeps growing, but if it is your first pregnancy, it is still early for you to notice that your abdomen has increased, although your clothes could start to tighten in the waist. Some women have punctures in the lower abdomen at this stage of pregnancy or even abdominal pain, very similar to what you felt during menstruation. Do not worry, it is a normal sensation due to the stretching of the ligaments of the uterus.

The rest of pregnancy symptoms persist as in previous weeks: feeling tired or fatigued, drowsiness, excessive emotionality with a desire to cry for things that once seemed insignificant or sudden anger without great reasons. Other discomforts of pregnancy in this stage are breast tenderness, frequent peeing and even headaches.

At this stage of pregnancy some women feel the discomfort of nausea and vomiting. It will help you eat a small amount many times a day and always have a bottle of water handy to be well hydrated.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

You are in the eighth week of gestation, your baby is already six weeks old and measures between 13 and 19 millimeters. The embryo already has intestine, liver, kidneys and lungs. Your heart beats very strongly and the aortic valve is already visible. The embryonic tail that resembled other mammals in development has disappeared and increasingly has more human aspect.

Your internal genitalia are forming but the external ones have not yet developed so it is too early to know by ultrasound if you are a boy or a girl.

Your baby's eyes and ears are growing and you can already see the tip of his nose, upper lip and eyelids. From the 7th week of pregnancy, the only bronchus in development has been divided into multiple bronchioles, that is, small airways that are found in the lungs.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

The volume of blood in your body increases to meet the needs of the baby, in fact, in the last weeks of pregnancy you will have about 50% more blood. Your gynecologist will recommend taking vitamin complexes to avoid anemia as the need for iron in your body will grow.

If you have not yet gone to your gynecologist or midwife's office, it's time to do it. In this visit you will have a medical history and they could recommend you to carry out, in this 8th week of gestation, the first blood and urine tests. If you are RH negative, tell your doctor to assess the blood incompatibility with the fetus.

In the first trimestre trimester of pregnancy it is when there is a higher risk of spontaneous abortion. Do not hesitate to ask if you have any of these symptoms: vaginal bleeding accompanied by pain, fever or previous history of abortions accompanied by spotting. Diet and feeding for the pregnant woman

In the first visit you make to the doctor, you will weigh and appreciate the kilos that are recommended to be gained throughout pregnancy. In overweight patients the weight gain will not be the same as the woman who presents a normal weight. In general it is recommended to gain between 12 and 14 kilos during pregnancy to contribute to the weight gain of the fetus and the supporting tissues of the mother.

The weight gain is not the same throughout the nine months of pregnancy

. During the first trimester they do not usually gain kilos, even many women lose them due to the discomfort caused by nausea and vomiting.Knowing this, your nutrition in the eighth week of pregnancy has been rich in nutrients: iron, calcium, iodine, zinc, folic acid, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids. To get them, regularly introduce vegetables, vegetables, fruits, lean meats, eggs, fish, nuts and dairy products into your diet. In any case, your gynecologist will prescribe some supplements to ensure the supply of these nutrients throughout the pregnancy.

Curiosities in week 8 of pregnancy

If you lead a sendentary life, try to change your habits. It will help you to feel good physically and to put your muscles in tune for the weight that they have to endure walking every day, doing moderate exercise, swimming or even signing up for gymnastics classes for pregnant women.

At the doctor's office you will have a first ultrasound with which you can see your baby, generally this ultrasound is in 2D, however, in recent times have been popularized 3D and 4D ultrasound, it is three-dimensional images in time real, where you can see your baby's color and with a more accurate appearance.

Ultrasound is performed while you are lying down. The ultrasound will pass through your abdomen and you will see the image through a screen. The professional can through this image know the approximate size of the fetus, your approximate date of delivery and if everything goes normally.