Benefits of softball for children

When it comes to searching for the best sport for our children, we have endless options to choose from. The important thing is that children do physical exercise, that they stay active and that they also have fun practicing their favorite sport. All sports bring enormous benefits to children, so the

When it comes to searching for the best sport for our children, we have endless options to choose from. The important thing is that children do physical exercise, that they stay active and that they also have fun practicing their favorite sport. All sports bring enormous benefits to children, so the choice will depend on the children themselves.

One of the most attractive sports for children is softaball or softball, a team game very similar to baseball that is still not very popular among our children. The benefits of softball are observed both physically and emotionally, so we can easily face the ideal sport for children.

What is softball

Softball is a team sport very similar to baseball that has not yet been implemented in our society. But it comes with force because kids love to emulate the great baseball stars they watch on television. Softball is played with a ball, which is not really as soft as the name of the sport indicates, with a bat and helmet and gloves are also necessary.

All in the purest American style. Each team has 9 players and the game is developed between bats, throws and races, so it is very dynamic. The rules of the game differ somewhat from those of baseball and also the ball is bigger, the bat smaller and the playing field is also smaller.

Benefits of playing softball for children

The benefits of practicing a sport such as softball for children are both physical and emotional. Being a team sport fosters social ties and can serve to integrate shy children. In softball values ​​such as companionship, friendship and honesty of fair play are learned. Competitiveness in its most healthy and sporting aspect can serve to promote the ability to excel and know the reward of effort.

A physical level, softball is ideal for children to gain in resistance. This sport also favors the development of the musculature and coordination. The rapidity of reflexes, visual acuity and concentration are other of the many benefits of softball. But perhaps the most important benefit is that children stay active while having fun, which, after all, is the main task they must perform.

Laura Vélez. Editor of