Rule 3-6-9-12 for the use of technology in children

Computers, video games, smartphones ... all are a sweet temptation for children. They love its endless possibilities to play, receive information, communicate ... But, a from what age can they use them? Will I do badly if I let a baby play with the tablet? Or I give my son a mobile on his tenth birt

Computers, video games, smartphones... all are a sweet temptation for children. They love its endless possibilities to play, receive information, communicate ... But, a from what age can they use them? Will I do badly if I let a baby play with the tablet? Or I give my son a mobile on his tenth birthday? The French psychiatrist Serge Tisseron

, from the Ouest Nanterre University (Paris), is very clear about this. He created a basic rule for all parents: rule 3-6-9-12. The French Pediatric Association, endorses it.Rule 3-6-9-12 for the use of technological devices in childhood

If even Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, forbade the Ipad to his children during childhood, it would be something ... With the premise of that new technologies can overexpose children to things for which they are not yet prepared, this rule of 3-6-9-12

arises, which tells us the following: -Until 3 years nothing television.

All studies agree on something: screens do not bring anything positive to babies. Yes music does, and stories. Toys and of course, games with their parents. Children under 3 are not emotionally prepared to see the effects of a war through the news ... nor are they able to distinguish reality from fiction in a horror movie. Watch out. - Until 6 years old, no videogames or tablets.

It is proven that video games are addictive. They end up controlling the will of the children. Therefore, they can become dangerous. Not for what they suppose in themselves (many games are good for improving the memory and concentration of children), but for what remains to be done to the child. Video games make a child lose the notion of time and spend hours playing ... time that will not devote to other very beneficial games this age. And if that were not enough, it also hinders the development of fine motor skills, the important exercise of 'clamp' to begin with literacy is replaced by a simple tap based on thumb or index. - Up to 9 years old, no computers.

Children are not prepared to receive certain information until this age. As much as we take care and install a parental filter, if a child encounters information for adults before age 9, it can be detrimental to their development. In addition, computers, although they offer us an infinite number of benefits, also hide many dangers. They always remind us of the fact that a pedophile is able to convince a child to undress in just eight minutes. However, this rule has been 'adapted' over time, and, aware that children live with computers from birth, it is recommended that at least they be used with strict parental control.

- Up to 12 years old, nothing mobile or internet alone. Children want to have a mobile. And every time they get it before. But ... do you really need it? Serge Tisseron insists that children are not prepared to control a mobile phone until they are 12 years old, nor to surf alone online. In the case of

social networks , we should expect more. Facebook only lets create a profile from 13 years. Many parents think that even at that age, it is dangerous. So, even if your child asks for a smartphone for Communion or for his tenth birthday, say No. You will be given the wisest answer, even if it costs you. Note: Obviously, this norm refers to the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in the home, in the domestic sphere. Schools use these tools for educational purposes in a controlled and effective way (or at least we want to believe).