The myth of chicken with hormones: can children eat chicken safely?

Popular belief says that there are antibiotics or hormones in chicken meat, with or without foundation? The possible injection of female hormones in chickens to accelerate their growth is a slab that weighs on this meat and that slows down many consumers. In we propose if the use of

Popular belief says that there are antibiotics or hormones in chicken meat, with or without foundation? The possible injection of female hormones in chickens to accelerate their growth is a slab that weighs on this meat and that slows down many consumers.

In we propose if the use of hormones in chicken is myth or reality and if children can eat chicken safely.

Does chicken have hormones? Can children eat chicken safely?

The rise of organic food and its preference over other options is as valid a choice as another, provided that it is done with the proper foundations. The consumption of organic products has benefits, for example, in the ecological field, since it allows the regeneration of the land more easily than industrial crops.

In addition, it also reduces exposure to both antibiotic resistant bacteria and chemical products. However, in many cases decisions are made based on popular ideas such as the presence of antibiotics or hormones in the chicken. What is the myth or truth of this chicken belief with hormones?

Supposedly, the chicken receives growth hormones and / or estrogens to accelerate its development, and thus an extremely high weight is achieved extremely quickly, very convenient for the food industry in economic and productivity issues. These hormones injected into chicken meat would be responsible for the onset of precocious puberty in girls, the increased risk of breast and prostate cancer and the appearance of female developmental traits in male adolescents. En - First of all, the truth is that, at least in Spain, the use of hormones in animals is illegal. Resolution 447/2004 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, prohibits the use of anabolic veterinary products in animals for human consumption. Therefore, the chicken that we buy in the supermarket can not contain hormones, neither male nor female.

- In addition, the administration of hormones to the chicken would not have any beneficial effect, since it isphysiologically impossible that a response could be observed (promotion or stimulation of growth) to the application of hormones in the 50 days on average that lasts increase.

- Additionally, hormones are expensive, while chicken is one of the cheapest meats on the market. If the chickens were injected with hormones, their price would increase considerably. - There is no reliable scientific evidence that shows that chicken growth hormones cuyo, whose effect is intrinsic to the animal itself, have, if consumed, an effect on the human consumer.

Benefits of chicken meat for children Chicken meat contains basically 20% protein, 9% fat plus multiple vitamins and minerals, making it a very nutritious and healthy meat from infancy to adulthood.

In fact, if there is a difference in size and color between an organic and an industrial chicken, it is not due to the injection of hormones, but to their feeding. The grains with which the organic chickens are fed during their breeding are very different from the feed of industrial chickens, and there is the difference between them, so if you choose organic, this reasoning seems more accurate.