Child cyberbullying. How to protect children on the Internet

Dangers on the Internet not only haunt adults, they can also influence the lives of children. The use of new technologies has many benefits but can also endanger children if they do not learn to use them responsibly. Among the possible problems that children encounter when using the Internet is that

Dangers on the Internet not only haunt adults, they can also influence the lives of children. The use of new technologies has many benefits but can also endanger children if they do not learn to use them responsibly.

Among the possible problems that children encounter when using the Internet is that of cyberbullying. Many children are harassed, they receive threats from their schoolmates through chat or social networks, and rarely express these problems.

Tips to avoid child cyberbullying

To combat cyberbullying, information is key, as well as promoting communication between parents and children, as well as with the school's teachers.

Forms of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying, sextorssion, cyberbullying ... do you know what these words mean? They are different forms of harassment or extortion on the Internet to minors. We explain what each of them consists of and how to detect it.

How to report cyberbullying. What parents have to do to report a case of cyberbullying about their children. Steps to follow when the child is a victim of cyberbullying through email, social networks or any other digital platform.

How to act against cyberbullying. What to do if our child is being harassed through social networks, email, chat or any other digital platform? Cyberbullying or cyberbyllying, what can parents do?

How to know if the child suffers cyberbullying. How to detect a case of cyberbullying in children. Cyberbullying or cyberbullying, unlike bullying in childhood, takes place in digital media. It is the harassment, insults, threats or gossip to a child through email, sms, chat or social networks.

What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying or cyberbullying is understood as the use and dissemination of information, real or fictitious, with intent to harm or defame through the Internet. Every time there are more cases of harassment on the Internet to children by other children. We tell you what cyberbullying is and how it affects children. What is cyberbullying in children.

What is grooming. The grooming of children and the harassment of children on the Internet. How the grooming of children begins and how to fight against child grooming. Risks for children in social networks. Sexual harassment of children on social networks is more common than we think, so we want to inform you of the danger of your children being on social networks.

Children facing cyberbullying. Access to new technologies for children occurs every time at younger ages and we are no longer surprised to see children between 10 and 12 years old using the computer with a lot of ease, talking with a smartphone and children of about 7-8 years old. tablets or ipod.

How to avoid cyberbullying. Tips to prevent children from becoming victims of cyberbullying or cyberbullying. How to prevent your children from suffering harassment through the Internet. Cyberbullying is a type of repeated psychological aggression provoked and suffered by minors. Tips to avoid bullying children through social networks or websites.

Child safety on the Internet. 10 basic ideas to educate children about the dangers of the Internet and give them some guidelines for behavior. How to get children to know how to behave while surfing social networks.

Risks in social networks. There are many risks to children surfing the Internet if they do not follow the advice of safe navigation and have not received correct information about the dangers and traps that lie in wait for them.

Child safety in social networks. The dangers of using social networks in childhood. How to know what our children do in social networks and educate them to be protected before the different dangers they entail. Social networks for children

Parental filters to prevent cyberbullying. Parental filters are a tool that allows parents to control what children see on the Internet. It is a software that is installed on the computer and that controls, according to the filter, which pages your child can navigate through. How do parental filters work on the Internet? Control the navigation of children on the Internet.