Most popular names for children in 2015 in Ecuador

It is not always easy to choose the baby's name. Some parents want to follow the family tradition in child names , while others prefer a more original name. But for some and others it is inevitable not to look at the trends in names. We know the trends in names for children of Ecuador for this 2015.

It is not always easy to choose the baby's name. Some parents want to follow the family tradition in child names, while others prefer a more original name. But for some and others it is inevitable not to look at the trends in names.

We know the trends in names for children of Ecuador for this 2015. They are names that combine tradition with modernity, with always updated names and recovered. These are the most popular names for children in Ecuador in 2015.

Most popular names for children in Ecuador for 2015

1. Alejandro. This name is of Greek origin and means el 'he who protects men' . It is one of the most popular names in the world because it has great strength and a special magnetism.2. Erick.

The name is of Scandinavian origin and its meaning is related to the 'eternal power' . It is a name with a great personality, very seductive and attractive for your child.3. José Luis.

The Hebrew origin of Joseph, which means 'abundance' , is joined by the Germanic origin of Luis, which means'illustrious warrior' . One of the most popular compound names in the world is thus formed.4. Hugo.

It is a name of Germanic origin that means 'intelligent' . It was recovered by families around the world a few years ago because it is very attractive as well as evocative. And today it is present in all lists of frequent names.5. Matías.

This name has a Hebrew origin and a meaning of 'gift of God' . Although it belongs to the biblical tradition, the name has been revitalized in recent years presenting itself now as a modern and original name.6. Diego.

The name is of Hebrew origin and means 'held by the heel' . It is a variant of Jacobo, but in this way wins in distinction and elegance. That is why it is one of the favorite names of parents.7. Jordan.

It is a name of Hebrew origin that means 'the descendant' . Both Jordan and Jordan appear, but in this Anglophone version it is more modern and original.8. Dylan.

The name has an Irish origin and a meaning of 'son of the sea' . We are facing one of the names that will sweep in the coming years because it gives off an unusual energy and is charming.9. Kevin.

It is a name of Irish origin meaning 'sweet birth' . It is positioned as one of the most popular names for children because it brings a great personality and is very current.10. Luis Fernando.

This compound name has a Germanic origin. The name Luis is combined with Fernando, which means 'daring' and which forms one of the most traditional and strongest names. Laura Vélez

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