What the baby learns with one year

One of the most important characteristics of childhood is the permanent change to which they are subjected due to their growth and development. In the period from birth to one year of age, is the stage in which more changes occur and more quickly. During this stage, maturity, autonomy, new learning,

One of the most important characteristics of childhood is the permanent change to which they are subjected due to their growth and development. In the period from birth to one year of age, is the stage in which more changes occur and more quickly.

During this stage, maturity, autonomy, new learning, interaction in their environment with both elements and people are acquired, and feelings are created that will influence their interpersonal relationships.

The different areas of development of the baby

Within the evolutionary development, we have to mention the different areas that comprise it:

- Motor sensory area: refers to all the child's senses and movements: hearing, vision, touch, taste and smell Within it we differentiate: gross motor (referring to the control of the general muscular movements of the body) and fine motor (related to the work of small muscles that perform specific movements and very controlled).

- Cognitive Area: understand, relate and adapt to new situations through the use of thought and direct interaction with objects and the surrounding world, through action, construction of mental images, and language.

- The affective-emotional area: ability to recognize and express emotions and feelings.

- Linguistic area: is related to the ability of the human being to communicate through sounds and symbols.

The objective of children's education: that children develop a series of skills that allow them, among other things, to discover, know and control the body progressively, acquire healthy lifestyle habits and autonomy, and understand and express oral messages in the different usual situations of communication.

The development of the child in its first year of life

In the stage of 1 year, the children have to learn:

- Aspects related with the knowledge of oneselfand of others, that is, identification of some parts of one's own body, that of others and knowledge of their own name.

- They learn habits of relationship with adults and other children, teaching them to say hello and goodbye, through games and songs. En - Regarding the

habits of hygiene and autonomy they learn aspects such as: washing their hands, and the control of the sphincters. - They also learn

to identify and manage feelings , of surprise and joy, of sadness, affection and emotional attention. And eating habits like, use the spoon, eat solids and chew.- They begin to identify the primary colors like: red, blue and yellow. El - The

development of logical thinking

appears together with visual attention and the ability to relate, identify and compare objects of different shapes and sizes. Language development in the first year of the baby In the language part, the use of vocabulary according to their age and experiences is of great interest at this stage. Explore and understand and interpret some elements of the written language through the stories. And the application of plastic techniques such as printing with paint, tearing and gluing paper, painting with different tools, is something that they usually enjoy in quantity.