Teaching children good manners at the table

Lunchtime, for many parents, becomes a headache: children who eat poorly, play with food, fight with siblings, do not take well the cutlery ... The parents, in these cases, do nothing but reprimand the behavior of the children, without getting, that the children adopt good manners at the table. In G

Lunchtime, for many parents, becomes a headache: children who eat poorly, play with food, fight with siblings, do not take well the cutlery ...

The parents, in these cases, do nothing but reprimand the behavior of the children, without getting, that the children adopt good manners at the table. In Guiainfantil.com we give you some tips to achieve it easily.

How to get children to have good manners at the table

Here you will find a series of tips so you can teach children to eat and follow good rules at the table.

6 tips to teach how to eat. Is it possible to teach children to eat from the first stages? In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what parents can do so that the children learn good manners and behave correctly at the table.

Teach how to use cutlery. How to teach the child to use the cutlery on the table. Basic rules of behavior when eating. Limits on the child's behavior at mealtime. Good habits and customs at the table with the children.

Rules at the table. Behavior of children at the table. Teaching children rules of good behavior at the table since they are babies, giving the act of eating the importance it has, avoiding distractions, and maintaining good communication at the table are some of the keys proposed by psychologist Silvia Álava so that the meals with the children are pleasant.

When the child misbehaves at the table. What to do if one of our children does not know how to behave at the table correctly. Advice from the psychologist Silvia Álava on good habits of children at the table and the behavior of parents before the fights of the children.

Mistakes in teaching manners at the table. How to teach children good habits to children. The psychologist Silvia Alava shows us what we are wrong when parents teach good habits to children at the table and points out some tricks that can be very useful for our children to value food and behave appropriately at the table

Educate by example. What would happen if mothers acted like children at the table? This question that three mothers have made in the short film 'If moms ate like their kids'. How to teach good table manners to children