Children with low tolerance for frustration

First of all, it is important to define what frustration is. Frustration is a feeling that arises when we fail to achieve our desires. Faced with this type of situation, the person usually reacts emotionally with expressions of anger, anxiety or dysphoria, mainly. The origin of the problem is not fo

First of all, it is important to define what frustration is. Frustration is a feeling that arises when we fail to achieve our desires. Faced with this type of situation, the person usually reacts emotionally with expressions of anger, anxiety or dysphoria, mainly. The origin of the problem is not found in external situations in themselves, but in the way in which the child faces them. At we tell you how to act when the child has a low tolerance for frustration. Educate children with low tolerance for frustration

It is essential to teach our children to tolerate frustration from a young age, to face those situations in which they do not get what they want, even if that means that once we see our son "suffer " But that suffering is temporary and very little compared to what he can feel when he confronts only the "noes" or the problems of life and does not have anyone to "relieve" him.

In the infantile stage, children think that the world revolves around them, that the world exists because they exist, they are egocentric, (they are evolutionary), they do not know how to wait, (they have not yet developed the concept of time), and they It costs a lot to think about others and their needs. Children when they are small, they want everything and they want it already ... and if we do not give it to them, they cry, they get angry, they have tantrums ... they get frustrated when they do not get their wishes.

How are children with low tolerance for frustration

- They are demanding and demanding children.

- They seek to meet their needs immediately, so that in the face of waiting or postponing their needs, they often have tantrums and easy crying.

- They have trouble managing emotions.

- More impulsive and impatient.

- They can develop anxiety problems more easily than other children.

- They are not very flexible and have difficulty adapting to new situations or situations that are not as expected.

How to teach the child to tolerate frustration

To manage and tolerate frustration is learned from a young age y, and depends to a large extent on what parents do. When a child has a low tolerance for frustration, it will partly be due to the learning he has had and partly to his character. That is why it is fundamental to be clear as parents, that frustration is a necessary "evil" and that children have to know how to manage it.

If the child always or almost always gets what he wants when he asks for it, or after a tantrum he gets what he wanted or gets rid of what he did not want, or if we avoid any kind of suffering, (because it makes us think we see him pass it) bad, because we do not want him to suffer, or for not listening to him anymore ...) we do not teach him to handle his emotions, let alone his behaviors.For this

it is essential to teach children to tolerate frustration from a young age

and for that, parents must have clear guidelines: Las - Rules and limits are fundamental and must be met calmly but firmly. - The NO, even if it frustrates the little ones, is necessary. - Learn to manage tantrums when they occur, and not give in to them. Tener - To be very clear that frustration is inevitable in life, and that if the little ones do not learn to manage and accept it, in their adult life it will cost much more.

If we find that

our child is a child with low tolerance for frustration

, as parents we can redirect this situation, we can reeducate the child so that little by little he learns to manage it.

- First we must

analyze what could have led to that situation , (norms and limits unclear ?, character?) And begin to change what is necessary.- Help the child to

differentiate between their desires and needs ay, helping them to understand that you can not always have what you want when you want it. - Teach him to tolerate the delay of reinforcement or to get what he wants.If you ask me for something, do not give it immediately, but when you can or as an adult, consider it appropriate and explain when you will have it, or why you will not have it.

- When the child is frustrated, help him understand what happens to him. Where his sadness or anger comes from, and that he expresses in words what happens to him.

- Establish and make clear rules, limits and routines

and according to the age of the children. In the event that the situation overwhelms us, going to a professional who guides and guides us is always the best option. It will help us analyze the situation and help us in the process.