How to avoid gas and flatulence in pregnancy

During pregnancy we are in one of the moments in which women suffer more with gas and flatulence, especially in the last quarter. In general, it could be said that gases can be produced for three reasons, swallowing air when eating or drinking, the decomposition of certain foods or due to the presen

During pregnancy we are in one of the moments in which women suffer more with gas and flatulence, especially in the last quarter. In general, it could be said that gases can be produced for three reasons, swallowing air when eating or drinking, the decomposition of certain foods or due to the presence of intestinal bacteria that ferment some of the food components. Is there any way to reduce that feeling? We tell you how to avoid gas and flatulence in pregnancy.

Why gases and flatulence occur in pregnancy

In the stomach, the digestion of certain nutrients produces gases that can be eliminated orally or continue their journey to the intestine. Intestinal gas often increases the sensation of swelling and sometimes, although less frequently, it can cause cramping or cramping in the belly. Its elimination is produced by anal, ventosidades. To avoid gas and flatulence in pregnancy, you should consider:

- The gases that originate in the stomach, stomach gas, can be produced by the way you eat food and drinks, very quickly and swallowing air. During pregnancy, and given that the organs are compressed in an increasingly smaller space as the baby grows, it is possible that gases and flatulence will be generated even more. In addition, the valves that control the entrance and prevent the exit of the alimentary bolus from the stomach are often more relaxed than usual, so the problem may worsen.

- They are also aggravated in situations of stress or anxiety, since these states favor the swallowing of air.

- Caffeinated and carbonated beverages also favor the accumulation of gas in the stomach, which is why they should be avoided. Its expulsion is usually done through the mouth in the form of burps, and, in general, could be avoided by eating slowly and chewing food well. To help eliminate them, relaxation techniques can be practiced to eliminate tension and stress. Para - To avoid them,

control the consumption of legumes , vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onion, artichoke or asparagus, raw vegetables such as lettuce and fruits such as apples or pears. Also those foods that contain sorbitol as a sweetener. En - Under normal conditions, are thefoods rich in fiber, cellulose, or some complex carbohydrates

, which can cause the accumulation of gases in the intestine. The saprophytic bacteria present in the intestine, whose population is highest in the area of ​​the colon, are responsible for using nutrients that have not been previously digested, ie, what would be the waste of digestion, and in this process they generate many gases, especially methane. During pregnancy, and as the digestion lengthens, the saprophytic bacteria have even more time to work and the amount of gas produced increases. - Somefoods are rich in sulfur

and produce sulphurous gases of unpleasant odors. Además - In addition, constipation , a problem also associated with the end of pregnancy, is related to an accumulation of gases in the colon area, produced by the stool retained.