How to promote the value of tolerance in children

Respecting the ideas, opinions and differences of another is essential to guarantee a good relationship and coexistence for all. It avoids unnecessary conflicts and also benefits the good of all. Tolerance is respect. It is also understanding. A value that implies many others and that is vital and n

Respecting the ideas, opinions and differences of another is essential to guarantee a good relationship and coexistence for all. It avoids unnecessary conflicts and also benefits the good of all. Tolerance is respect. It is also understanding. A value that implies many others and that is vital and necessary in the development of children.

You can teach your child and educate him to be more tolerant as a child. How? Use these tips and educational tools. We explain how to promote the value of tolerance in children and of course, in your child. From we promote the education of children in values ​​values: 12 months, 12 values.

We explain how to promote the value of tolerance in children offers you expert advice, stories, fables and games that you can use to make your child more tolerant of differences. Remember that differences make us unique and it is an added value in each one of us. When your child gets to appreciate it, he will be much more open and more respectful of the ideas and opinions of others. And he will be able to respect and be the same without underestimating other people.

Teach your child to be tolerant of others, regardless of race, opinions, age, sex or religion. Together we can contribute to improve the world in which we live.

The value of the tolerance. We explain what tolerance is exactly and how to educate your child in values ​​so that he is more tolerant. To be tolerant is to be condescending and permissive with someone, is not to prevent him from doing what he wants, is to accept and admit the difference or diversity. You can teach your child to be more tolerant with others.

How to teach children to be tolerant. The value of tolerance in the education of children. How children can learn to be tolerant. offers some tips on how parents can instill tolerance in children.

The value of tolerance against bullying. A UNICEF campaign reminds us all of the importance of the value of tolerance against bullying. Unicef ​​Chile campaign against bullying or bullying. The protagonist is an extraterrestrial child that everyone insults or ignores for being different. Why tolerance is so important against violence.

Chito and Chitón: poem about tolerance. Chito y Chitón is a child's poem about tolerance, ideal to talk about values ​​with children. Use this poetry to talk with your children about the importance of respecting differences.

A special chocolate: story about tolerance. A very special chocolate is a precious story where special emphasis is placed on the equality between all human beings and the courage and courage to defend the common good. The author, Eva María Riber, was the winner of the AMEI Short Story Contest.

Children are tolerant. Video experiment about the reaction of some children to another child with a disability. Tolerance is a fundamental value in the education of children. However, it may be the parents who have to learn from the children. For example, they can learn not to see disability as a difference.

Teach children to see differences as something good. How to teach children to be tolerant with themselves, to respect differences and to see differences as something positive. Enhance children's self-esteem. Educate children in values ​​so they can grow up in a healthy way.

How to teach children not to discriminate. Racism and children. gives us some ideas on how to teach children not to discriminate and respect differences. Having a different skin color is a wealth for a society.

Children's stories about tolerance. Selection of children's stories that talk about diversity. The differences that exist between people, animals and things. They help children respect diversity. Stories that speak of differences in size and appearance.