How to stimulate the illusion of children

Many parents think that to stimulate the illusion of children it is enough to give them expensive things or toys that entertain them and make them 'happy', this as I hope you know is not the case. Giving things to children without criteria is called materialism and this will never favor the illusion

Many parents think that to stimulate the illusion of children it is enough to give them expensive things or toys that entertain them and make them 'happy', this as I hope you know is not the case. Giving things to children without criteria is called materialism and this will never favor the illusion of children. Because illusion is something else.

What is the illusion in children

The illusion in this case is a hope for children who have something positive, a dream or a project, you can also feel illusion to achieve something that is very much desired.

Illusion is a sensation that should be nourished in children, because well stimulated children can create motivated, happy and able to achieve any personal project.

How to stimulate the children's illusion

In order to stimulate the children's illusion, we must take care of the hope that they have in an innate way, to motivate them for something such as being able to achieve their goals. Some goals that if not achieved should not be a reason for defeat, but of hope to achieve them later.

The illusion is linked to the imagination, so to stimulate one, the other will have to be enhanced with stories, stories, games, family activities ... etc.

In addition, in the material field you can also stimulate the illusion toimprove behaviors actitudes or attitudes. For example, if at the end of the course your child has been able to pass all the subjects and you promised that if he did, you would buy him something (clothes, movie tickets, some electronic device, etc.) that he was excited about. case, he has earned it.Children can also feel excited about playing with their parents, going out on the field, taking a trip ... stimulate the illusion of your children doing activities together!

The innocent illusion of children

There is also another type

of innocent illusion when children believe in stories or fantasies, in a fairy world that although it does not exist helps them stimulate their imagination and creativity. This innocent illusion when they are small is not negative, on the contrary, it helps them to develop cognitively, so do not hesitate to tell fairy tales to your children, they will love it.

It is important

that you do not force him to grow up , let him continue being a child, that he learn, that he grow ... without haste but without pause. Do you already know what things your child is excited about?