Why maternal grandmother is so important for a child

Grandparents play an essential role in the family. But among all, there is one whose influence stands out: the maternal grandmother . Your son may get better or worse with his maternal grandmother. Let her see less or more. That you feel more or less affinity towards her. But what you may not know i

Grandparents play an essential role in the family. But among all, there is one whose influence stands out: the maternal grandmother.

Your son may get better or worse with his maternal grandmother. Let her see less or more. That you feel more or less affinity towards her. But what you may not know is the important genetic burden left to your grandchildren. We explain the theory of the Chilean essayist Alejandro Jodorowsky.

Why the maternal grandmother is the most important

The maternal grandmother is responsible for transferring most of the genetic load among all the grandparents. And you already know that saying 'genetics skips a generation'. That's why, many children do not look like their parents ... but their grandparents. And even if your son physically does not look like his maternal grandmother, he can never deny that he inherited many other things, such as a certain problem with bones, a tic, a mole, that tone of voice ...

According to Jodorosky, the explanation It is very simple: when a woman becomes pregnant with a girl, the girl has already been formed before the oocytes were born, from which thousands and thousands of eggs will emerge throughout her adult life. These oocytes, in turn, have a great genetic load on their mother ... and her grandmother!

Children also inherit in their DNA the emotional experiences of the maternal grandmother

The Chilean essayist goes even further and assures that in the DNA that maternal grandmothers transfer to their grandchildren, not only are the physical traits, some possible hereditary disease or the gestures, but also the temperament or even the experiences she had when she was pregnant with her daughter. That is, if the maternal grandmother went through a difficult situation in her pregnancy, or suffered a depression during pregnancy, this may influence the children of her daughter.

Keep in mind that the ovules also provide the genetic load, the mitochondrial information (while the sperm lacks it). This information is only inherited from mothers (or grandmothers), and is a plus genetic load

Against this theory of Alejandro Jodorowsky are however the most recent studies, which ensure that the genetic load transferred by man, although it is less, it has more weight and determination, especially in the case of certain hereditary diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity or schizophrenia.

Genetics after all will not stop being a convoluted network, a lottery, a series of cards at the mercy of chance.