The best Christmas gifts for children

As every year, when Christmas approaches , doubts arise that give away the children and the questions of grandparents, uncles and others about the same issue, so Something that is beautiful, like making a gift to a child, sometimes becomes a dilemma and an ordeal. Faced with this situation, the most

As every year, when Christmas approaches, doubts arise that give away the children and the questions of grandparents, uncles and others about the same issue, so Something that is beautiful, like making a gift to a child, sometimes becomes a dilemma and an ordeal.

Faced with this situation, the most important thing to keep in mind is the stage of development in which the child finds himself, since a gift that does not adapt to the child's age can go unnoticed by him and not cause illusion and desired emotion.

The best Christmas decorations for children

Christmas gifts for children under 2 years old

At this early age, it is best to give toys that stimulate the child's senses. Different textures, sounds and colors that invite the child to explore the world around them, such as gaming mats, rubber dolls with sound, teethers, etc ... Christmas gifts for children between 2 and 3 years old Children in this stage and they begin to know their habitat and have their coordination in full development, so it is advisable to give toys like blocks to make


, balls, musical instruments or paintings. Christmas gifts for children between 3 and 5 yearsAt this stage children are in full development of their imagination and fantasy, as well as begin to distinguish their role or gender, so it would be advisable to give toys that make them feel princesses or superheroes. Cookies, cars with radio control, blackboards or interactive stories

will delight the little ones.

Christmas gifts for children between 6 and 11 years Children are in a period of full development of cognitive, affective and social skills and abilities, and begin to understand how the world around them works. It is also a stage in which children usually play with other children, and girls with other girls. The table games

, games that allow them to do experiments, and games that contain complements, like a grimace and their clothes, or a collection of toy cars are good gifts for children in these ages.

Christmas gifts for children over 11 years old Children are in a stage where they are no longer so children and like to doactivities

that make them feel older. Your favorite music, a good book or video game suitable for your age will be the perfect gift.

Diego Fernández. Editor of