Children who mistreat their caregivers

Whimsical, tyrants, despots, selfish, manipulative, demanding or petty dictators? What is behind a child who mistreats his educators? A lack of limits, too much permissiveness or a behavior disorder? How are the children who mistreat their educators and why do they do it? We explain how to recognize

Whimsical, tyrants, despots, selfish, manipulative, demanding or petty dictators? What is behind a child who mistreats his educators? A lack of limits, too much permissiveness or a behavior disorder? How are the children who mistreat their educators and why do they do it?

We explain how to recognize when your child is mistreating their caregiver and what you can do to avoid it.

How are the children who mistreat their parents and educators

'Silly', 'Mala', 'You are not my mother', 'Buy me this or I will scream until you do' ... more and more children grow up they become blackmailers, small oppressors of their parents and educators, totalitarian children who impose their will based on insults, threats, kicks, shoves, bites ...

- These are children with a high index of impulsivity and intolerant to frustration , that they do not understand a no for an answer and that in the face of denials to their desires they respond with a wide range of aggressiveness, both physical and verbal.

- This is the profile of children who end up mistreating their parents or educators, children who, when they reach adolescence, find it difficult to understand and accept established social norms and rebel against them with all their might.

- They are children with great difficulties to control and channel their emotions that end up mistreating their near and dear ones. Children with low self-esteem, fragile and submissive with their peers but aggressive in the family environment.

But why do they become abusers, by imitation, by a lack of limits? For a problem of behavior, for having too demanding parents or, on the contrary, too permissive?

Why does a child mistreat his educator?

There is no single cause that explains why a child mistreats his educator or his parents, although it could be explained by different factors, both educational and by having a specific pathology such as a conduct disorder, although the studies carried out to date indicate that less than 50% of children and adolescents who mistreat do not have any psychopathological diagnosis that explains their way of acting.

Advice for parents with abusive children

The truth is that we must help children from an early age to accept their frustrations, we must set limits and standards, while we teach them to adequately express their anger , emotion on the other hand totally normal as is joy or fear. Here are some tips to prevent your child from becoming an abuser:- Preventing a child from getting angry by giving him everything he asks for at the time is an invitation to tyranny and subsequent blackmail. There is nothing wrong with a child learning that he can not have everything and much less to have it by crying, shouting, insults or blackmail of another type. Por - On the other hand, an excess of control, an excessive rigidity coming from an authoritarian and dictatorial education is also absolutely disastrous since the child learns that it is through the use of force, coercion, threats and punishments with what you get what you want.

Be that as it may, the abandonment of our parental functions, the sobreporteccion or sobreexigencia, the lack of clear limits and above all the absence of affection, love and understanding

can turn our children into small tyrants

, despots who will not hesitate to use Some kind of insult, crying or coercion to try to satisfy their desires. Since all parents look for the best for our children we must bear in mind that if the education and upbringing of our children poses serious difficulties and we see that we are not able to redirect the situation we live, we should ask for help before the problem aggravate