Words have a lot of power over children

In the relationship I have with my daughter every day I realize that everything I say has a huge power and weight on their attitudes and behavior. When she was still very little, I did not realize the power of my words. Today I understand why every time I asked her to order her toys, she did not do

In the relationship I have with my daughter every day I realize that everything I say has a huge power and weight on their attitudes and behavior. When she was still very little, I did not realize the power of my words. Today I understand why every time I asked her to order her toys, she did not do it. Instead of telling him what to do, I insisted on telling him "how messy you are." The one that did it wrong was me.

How to recognize the good attitudes of the children

It took me a while to realize that I was not teaching my daughter to be ordained. On the contrary, he was putting a messy "sign" on it. Children are like that, they believe in absolutely everything we tell them. Moreover, they "dress up" the qualifiers, good or bad, with which we title them, sometimes. Like adults, children also make mistakes and failures, but only parents who are able to control their impulses can help them overcome them.

"You're a mess", "how lazy you are", "you're scared", ... are just some of the things that some parents highlight again and again in their children, and that only encourage the opposite of what they expect of your little ones To ensure that children are responsible, disciplined, happy and orderly, it is necessary to motivate and awaken in them a positive action in all their tasks. And not only that, the example counts a lot. It is always better to surprise children by doing and saying something good about them than to demand an attitude for which we have not prepared or educated them. Better the good words to the children, than just reproaches and fights.

So you have to be very careful with what is said to the children. A good exercise would be to reflect on the last time we have "applauded" a good attitude or good behavior of our children. Let's make a list of the good and bad things that they do. The good will tell us what we are doing right, while the bad can not only indicate the weaknesses of our children, as also and above all, our mistakes and carelessness in their education. What do you think?

Vilma Medina. Director of GuiaInfantil.com