How to remove urine stains from the child's mattress

If there is something in the daily life of many parents with their babies, it is that 'fight' when they get pee in bed . Beyond the process of sphincter control, there is something very important that we should know at home, and that has to do with the urine stains on the mattress. Can they be remov

If there is something in the daily life of many parents with their babies, it is that 'fight' when they get pee in bed. Beyond the process of sphincter control, there is something very important that we should know at home, and that has to do with the urine stains on the mattress.

Can they be removed permanently? Is there a remedy or trick that we can take into account to get rid of them once and for all? Taking into account the complements to the traditional cleaning will help us to get that the mattress is intact.

How to remove urine stains from children's bed

When children wet the bed, it is common that in addition to the clothes, the liquid tras passes through the mattress and leaves a fence. So that we can avoid it, it is best to put a mattress cover that prevents it from reaching the mattress itself, since it will stay on this other surface will be much easier to remove if we wash it with soap and water and apply a few drops of detergent. If the situation is already desperate and has reached the mattress, then we need to get products that can remove the stain:

white vinegar ,liquid detergent ,baking soda and kitchen paper .Home remedies to eliminate urine stains from children's bed

- Vinegar:

When the stain is recent, it is best to apply white vinegar in the concrete area, and let it dry with maximum sunlight. we can. We can apply it with the help of a spoon and rub lightly with a brush so that the mattress stain does not disperse. The kitchen paper will be our great ally when we put it on top so that nothing of the liquid remains. - Bicarbonate:

If it takes a few hours, remove the urine stain will be somewhat more complicated, so the chosen product in question may be baking soda, which without excess can be applied on the part that is stained so that it is absorbed as quickly as possible. - Liquid detergent:

Once we have completed one or another process of cleaning the mattress, the final trick is the one that has to do with the liquid detergent, which will be applied to make it disappear completely.