Massage for babies with constipation

Babies usually cry a lot due to gas or constipation, since their digestive system is still immature. We can help you with minor discomfort with specific massage passes for the abdomen. These massages will aid in digestion and will also help to eliminate gas and prevent the baby from stiffening. How

Babies usually cry a lot due to gas or constipation, since their digestive system is still immature. We can help you with minor discomfort with specific massage passes for the abdomen.

These massages will aid in digestion and will also help to eliminate gas and prevent the baby from stiffening.

How to do a massage to relieve constipation of the baby

It is important to be consistent with these massages to clearly notice their benefits, and for that we must look for a couple of moments a day to be able to help our baby with the massages. It is also a good time to communicate with our little one and play with him.

I recommend doing the massage with sweet almond oil given its great benefits. The first thing is to feel the gut to see if it bothers you. To relieve gas pains and colic, move your hands from left to right and clockwise: Colo 1. Place your hands

on the belly until the baby relaxes 2. Make like a wheel alternating hands

from under the ribs to the groin , first with the baby's legs relaxed and then holding the legs up high3.

Knees up and down flexing gently against the belly , this position should be maintained at least a few seconds and then stretch the legs4. With both thumbs on both sides of the navel

lightly press the belly of the baby from the navel to the side of the baby, each hand on the side 5. With the left hand

we will make a circle clockwise and with the right hand a semi-circle in the same direction 6.

Draw an I on the right side of the baby's belly , then draw an inverted L, and then an inverted U, in this way we get to remove the gases that have accumulated little by little helping to eliminate them or dissolve them7.

Knees up and down pressing them gently against the belly , this position must be maintained at least a few seconds and then we stretch the legs8. Lift the legs and turn them in circles and

pedal as on the bicycle 9. Walk with the fingertips on the baby's belly