Reasons why you have to agree with your children

Rules and limits are necessary for the education of children. Our children need limits, not only for their education, but because the limits make them feel more secure in their environment. But within those norms, that each one imposes in his house; there are certain nuances in which it is better to

Rules and limits are necessary for the education of children. Our children need limits, not only for their education, but because the limits make them feel more secure in their environment. But within those norms, that each one imposes in his house; there are certain nuances in which it is better to agree with the children than to impose themselves by force. Why should we agree with our children?

Parents should mark their children's basic rules, much better if they are few but unbreakable.

There are norms that

are not negotiable

, especially those that have to do with the health of the child or the moral and ethical values, but there are many others in which we can agree with the childrenin the case that it costs them to take them to cape. For example: A fixed standard would be to do homework, but you can agree on how to do it or at what time. Agreeing with children gives many advantages

before the imposition of norms. 1- When reaching an agreement between the two parties, we are reinforcing our relationship with the child and communication. 2- We give you the option to make a decision and take responsibility for it.

3- We promote empathy with him.

4- We help you verbalize your feelings.

5- It forces us to listen, both to parents and children, and to respect their opinions. 6- Motivate children to

find solutions

in order to reach a favorable agreement for both parties. What we should not do

when agreeing with the children - Do not agree with children under the age of five, as they do not have enough emotional maturity. - It should not be done constantly, since everything

is not negotiable .

- Not doing it when there is no effort

for the child. - Do not make pacts toposteriori

, that is, take the opportunity to ask the child for something in exchange for something he has already done if you had not reached an agreement before. - Not doing it in the long term, it only works if it is immediate. No - You do not have to punish them if they do not fulfill their part of the deal, simply deny them to agree again soon. - Agreements must be made in a "comprehensive manner" and without being angry.

You will see how the pacts with the children workgreat to get the children to do what they should, and that they are happy about it.