Telepathy. Poesia tongue twisters for children

The tongue twisters are a great resource for children to acquire precision when speaking, improve pronunciation and encourage attention. We propose that you read with your children Telepathy, a tongue-twisting poetry for children. Try to memorize it and say it faster and faster. It is a very fun edu

The tongue twisters are a great resource for children to acquire precision when speaking, improve pronunciation and encourage attention.

We propose that you read with your children Telepathy, a tongue-twisting poetry for children. Try to memorize it and say it faster and faster. It is a very fun educational game for children. Do you cheer up?

Poesia tongue-twisting for children: Telepathy

Would you be able to say this word game without mistakes even once? Try your luck with the funny poem of the bird and the fish that had telepathy.

A bird was thinking

while flying,

that the fish felt

while swimming.

And I thought a fish

while swimming,

that the bird felt

while flying.