Fables of Samaniego for children

With the Fables of Samaniego you can find stories to educate children in values. In these popular short stories children will find valuable lessons about honesty or solidarity. Children's stories help to develop the imagination and creativity of your children With the fables the children will discov

With the Fables of Samaniego you can find stories to educate children in values. In these popular short stories children will find valuable lessons about honesty or solidarity.

Children's stories help to develop the imagination and creativity of your children With the fables the children will discover the morals, very interesting small lessons in the form of funny stories.

Fables to educate children

Félix María Samaniegowas a Spanish writer who used fables and short stories featuring animals and fantastic characters to convey moral teachings in a simple and fun way.

Fables are a very useful way to teach children values ​​such as respect, tolerance or sincerity while they enjoy stories of animals and fantasy.

These children's stories are ideal for reading to children before going to sleep. By being brief stories, they allow to entertain without tiring the smallest ones while they learn amoral teaching.

The traditional fables of Samaniego provide children with education for their education, but they also help to develop their creativity and encourage interest inreading for children.

Traditional children's stories

The deer and the oxen. Guiainfantil.com brings you 'El ciervo y los bueyes', a fable by the famous writer Samaniego for children to learn values ​​through short stories with a final moral.

The eagle, the cat and the javelin. In Guiainfantil you can read 'The eagle, the cat and the javelin', a fable with a message written by Samaniego that talks about honesty and solidarity, two important values ​​for children.

The lion and the fox. Here is 'The lion and the fox', a fable that brings you Guiainfantil.com written by Samaniego; for children to learn. This short story has a final moral: it teaches children to be prudent.

The turtle and the eagle. The turtle and the eagle, a short fable by José Samaniego to read to children. Guiainfantil.com offers us a fable with a moral to educate and entertain children.

The farmer and the providence. Do not miss out on Guiainfantil.com 'The farmer and the providence', a children's tale of the writer Samaniego for children. It is a short story with a moral and a message to teach the children.

The ass and the wolf. Guiainfantil.com invites you to read 'The ass and the wolf', a short fable for children that has a message or moral that will help you teach such important values ​​to your children as solidarity.

The old man and death. Meet the fable of Samaniego, 'The old man and death', a short fable of Samaniego for children. Guiainfantil.com brings you short children's stories with morals to educate and entertain children.

The dog and the crocodile. Guiainfantil.com tells you 'The dog and the crocodile'. Children's stories help to develop the imagination and creativity of your children and fables help educate them in values ​​thanks to their morals and messages.

The wolf and the dog. The wolf and the dog. Fables with moral and children's stories to teach children values ​​as important as solidarity, prudence or honesty.

The ax and the handle. Guiainfantil.com brings you 'El ax y el mango', a fable for children written by Samaniego. It is a short story for children to learn values ​​through morals.

The donkey and the pig. Do not miss 'El donno y el cochino', a fable with a moral written by Samaniego, which brings you Guiainfantil.com. A short story with which children can learn important lessons.

The zagal and the sheep. The fable 'El zagal y las ovejas' is a short fable for children to learn that they should not cheat or lie. In Guiainfantil.com you can find a multitude of children's stories to educate children.

Fables for children. The fox and the grapes The fables are a good resource to educate children. This fable teaches children that many times to get what we want we have to face difficulties and that we should not lose interest for them.

The lion and the mouse. The fable The lion and the mouse, for children. In Guiainfantil.com you can find fables to educate children in values. Popular fable of the lion and the mouse. Short stories with values ​​for children. Childish fables with moral.

The flies. The flies, a fable for children with morals. Fables to teach values ​​to children. Short children's stories with a message to educate in values. Childish fables with moral.