How to know if you are pregnant with twins or twins. The zygosity

It is common that you can not distinguish if you are pregnant with twins or twins. At first glance we can say that the twins do not usually look as much as the twins, although this premise does not always work that way, and sometimes it is the parents themselves who do not even know the type of mult

It is common that you can not distinguish if you are pregnant with twins or twins. At first glance we can say that the twins do not usually look as much as the twins, although this premise does not always work that way, and sometimes it is the parents themselves who do not even know the type of multiple pregnancy they have. In

we tell you how to know if they are twins or twins and what is zygosity. The zygosity. Know if they are twins or twins There are two factors that at first glance lead us to

differentiate if you are pregnant with twins or twins

. If the children are identical, they are usually twins; and if they are of different sex, they will always be twins. But what if the children are of the same sex,? How to know if they are twins or twins really?There are twins who look so much like they look like twins, and twins who are not as similar as they think. It also helps to know the type of placenta we have to know the type of pregnancy, but these tricks are not always conclusive. If we really want to know the type of multiple pregnancy that we have, we must have azygosity test


What is zygosity? The word zygosity refers to the zygote, that is, the cell resulting from the union of the egg and sperm. Therefore, the zygosity will inform us about the

type of zygotes

that we carry in our pregnancy. Although at first it may seem a bit messy, it is not so much.Here we leave the types of pregnancies according to their zygosity .

When there are two babies:

Monocigótico or univitelino : A single sperm fertilizes a single ovule, which is then divided into two fetuses. They are the identicaltwins


  • Dicigotic or bivitelline:Two different sperm fertilize two different ovules. They are the twins.

  • The semi identical twins: They are a rare case, and scientifically it is to determine how it is produced, but it is believed that the ovule dividesbefore it is fertilized by two different sperm.

  • When there are three babies: In the case of triplets, the options are more complex. Lo - The most usual is that it is three ovules fertilized by three different sperm, which is called tricigóticos triplets . All children would be twins

. Otra - Another option is that there are two ovules fertilized by different sperm, but one of the ovules is divided later, which would give

a twin and identical twins

. Por - Finally, there is the possibility that the ovule is divided three times, which would give three identical twins. This option only occurs in 2% of cases. When there are four or more babies, the chances of the type of pregnancy multiply.Why is it important to know the zygosity and how is the test done?

It is important to know the type of pregnancy we have since that can prevent many added complications. On the other hand, it is convenient to know the genetic traits of the brothersbecause, in case one of the children suffers from some

illness , we will know if the others also have possibilities of suffering it.Knowing the zygosity of our children can also

help cure certain diseases

of one of the brothers, as is the case of organ transplants.

The test does not involve more complications than collecting a little mucus from the cheek of each of the children and taking it to a laboratory to analyze the DNA. If they are still unborn children, a sample of the amniotic fluid will be taken.