Day of Saint Vicente Ferrer, April 5. Names for children

Vicente is a name for a boy of Latin origin who means 'the winner'. Belongs to the same family as Victor, so both names can give your son the good star he needs in life. If your child was born on April 5, you can add another name, Ferrer, in honor of the saint who celebrates onomastics that day, San

Vicente is a name for a boy of Latin origin who means 'the winner'. Belongs to the same family as Victor, so both names can give your son the good star he needs in life.

If your child was born on April 5, you can add another name, Ferrer, in honor of the saint who celebrates onomastics that day, San Vicente Ferrer.

Curiosities about the name Vicente

Because of the meaning of his name, Vicente possesses a dynamic and jovial character. Of great sympathy, he is the king of social relationships, being a born seducer thanks to his charisma and magnetism. In addition, Vicente is hard-working, tenacious and courageous, and does not shy away from taking responsibility to protect his loved ones. On the other hand, his concern leads him to undertake new challenges that usually ends with great success. The name Vicente is known throughout the world with different variants, all of them very attractive for your child.

Vincent, Vin, Vinny or Vicenzo are the most well-known forms popularized by people of today and forever, such as the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh, the French actor Vincent Cassel or the American actor and producer Vincent D'Onofrio. The arts seem like the field where the name of your child has been most represented. Thus, we know the Spanish flamenco guitarist Vicente Amigo, the Valencian writer Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, fundamental for the literary, journalistic and political culture of the Spaniards and the poet Vicente Aleixandre, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in the year 77.

But given the onomastics of your son, his name refers to the Valencian Saint of the 14th century,

Vicente Ferrer, but also to another Vicente Ferrer, more current, known for his humanitarian work to help the most underprivileged in India through the Vicente Ferrer Foundation. To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of April, consult our calendar of the names of saints in April. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez
