Types of headaches in children and adults

Children, like adults, may suffer from headaches that may be due to different causes. They may be a temporary injury or, on the contrary, a symptom of a major illness such as the flu, a cold, otitis, pharyngitis or other diseases that affect the nervous system and require immediate medical attention

Children, like adults, may suffer from headaches that may be due to different causes. They may be a temporary injury or, on the contrary, a symptom of a major illness such as the flu, a cold, otitis, pharyngitis or other diseases that affect the nervous system and require immediate medical attention. But, are there several types of headaches? Which ones?

Main types of headache in children and adults

1- Migraines: cause continuous pain on one or both sides of the head, may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, dizziness, stomach pain and sensitivity to light, noise and smells. They can last between 30 minutes and several hours, and sometimes they present auras: blurred vision or seeing twinkling or black spots before the onset of the headache. They can cause muscle weakness.

2- Tension headache:is the most frequent in children. They notice a constant pressure on the front or front of the head and also on the sides, as if they were squeezing their heads.

There are several factors that can lead to headaches in both children and adults.

10 causes of headaches in children

1- Lack of sleep or having a lot of stress can be one of the causes. 2- Being dehydrated or not doing all the meals can also trigger this type of pain.

3- Suffer a

light blow to the head .4- It may be the side effect of certain medications.

5- Having vision difficulties.

6- Be exposed for a long time to the

television screens, tablets, computers ... Escuchar 7- Listen to music with a very high volume. 8- Ingest high doses of caffeine.

9- The

long trips

by road by car or bus. 10- Some strong odors can also cause the appearance of headache. In some cases the headaches can be hereditary, if the parents suffer, there is a possibility that their children also develop them. If the pain is very intense, it is accompanied by other symptoms or if it is repeated over time, it is advisable to go to the pediatrician to diagnose its origin and receive the appropriate treatment for each case.