The leg sticks. Classical poetry by Gloria Fuertes

Gloria Fuertes has been one of the most illustrious poets in terms of children's poetry. Many of his works have passed from generation to generation, and today his poetry books continue to attract a multitude of children to reading. From Guiainfantil we wanted your children to know a little more abo

Gloria Fuertes has been one of the most illustrious poets in terms of children's poetry. Many of his works have passed from generation to generation, and today his poetry books continue to attract a multitude of children to reading.

From Guiainfantil we wanted your children to know a little more about the work of Gloria Fuertes, hence we have compiled several children's poems like the one shown below. The leg sticks, a traditional poem for you to read along with your children.

The leg sticks the leg

The leg plucked, cua, cua, cua,

as it is clumsy, cua, cua, cua,

has gotten the leg, cua, cua, cua,

in a pool. Crane! Crane! Crane!

In the pool there was cer a little pig alive and darling ,with mud from the pond, the little pig playing.

The little pig told him: take out the leg, beautiful leg.

And the pata patera gave her a rose.

They walk around the farm eating figs. El The little pig and the paw have become friends!

Author: Gloria Fuertes

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