Anxiety and stress in children. Why it occurs

When the child is subjected to a series of important changes in his life, he can be irritable, nervous, upset and overwhelmed by the situation. We say then that the child suffers a picture of stress and anxiety. The reasons can be very varied and the consequences very different in each child. Learn

When the child is subjected to a series of important changes in his life, he can be irritable, nervous, upset and overwhelmed by the situation. We say then that the child suffers a picture of stress and anxiety. The reasons can be very varied and the consequences very different in each child. Learn to detect early symptoms of childhood stress, because you will have a very important role to help your child. Causes of stress and anxiety in children Infant stress almost always occurs in a situation of change. And not only in the face of negative changes. You can also suffer childhood stress to positive changes. The reasons can be multiple, from the loss of a loved one or separation or conflict of parents to a change of school or home.

This situation of uncertainty, novelty and fear of the unknown puede, can lead to anxiety.

Illnesses (own or of a loved one) or a sudden increase in class tasks are also causes of childhood stress. For him it represents a novelty in his life. There are children who adapt better to the changes. But for others, on the other hand, they suppose a new world that they do not know how to face.

8 symptoms of stress in children Stress blocks the child. That is why it reacts unpredictably. The most normal thing is that the child does not realize that he is suffering from stress. Therefore, it should be the parents who are alert to these symptoms: P 1. Loss of appetite, headache, stomach pain

2. Nightmares, sleep disturbances

3.Sudden onset of enuresis

when already had overcome


Mood disturbance: rage, crying, whining, tantrums, aggressive behavior 5. Fear of moving away from the adult

6. Emergence of new fears, inability to concentrate7. Regression to behaviors of the childhood8. Anxiety

Treatment of stress and anxiety in children

Parents play a decisive role when it comes to treating their children's stress. They have to understand why they suffer anxiety and try to show understanding. Here are some tips

to make your child feel more calm

and face the changes with less anxiety:


Talk to him . Ask what their fears are, their concerns. Explain what is happening - Take him to quiet places, where he can relax

- Strengthens his self-esteem. Do not scold him for having that behavior - Do not use punishment. Better if during this stage you use morepositive reinforcers

- Encourage your child to do physical exercise


Seek professional help if you can not eliminate your child's anxiety