Day of Saint Agnes, January 21. Names for girls

Ines is a name for girl of Greek origin that means 'pure'. Its Greek form is Agnes, another ideal name for any girl, since both highlight all the sensitivity and sensitivity of your child. Although Agnes is more modern, Ines is one of those names that always but never goes out of style. He celebrate

Ines is a name for girl of Greek origin that means 'pure'. Its Greek form is Agnes, another ideal name for any girl, since both highlight all the sensitivity and sensitivity of your child.

Although Agnes is more modern, Ines is one of those names that always but never goes out of style. He celebrates his name day on January 21, which is the day of Saint Agnes.

Curiosities about the name Ines

The name Ines or Agnes, as you prefer, implies a tender but firm character at the same time. A girl sure of herself, but in need of all the affection from her family and friends.

Inés is a person enterprising and vitalist, of great curiosity, willing and helpful. The most obvious characteristic of his personality is his sweetness and charm.

Your daughter's name has a confusing etymology . Coming from the Greek agne, it referred to the purity and sacredness of the victims destined for ritual sacrifice.But because of its phonetic resemblance to the Latin word agnus, which means 'lamb', its meaning has often been confused and, in fact, the pictorial representations of the famous Saint Agnes are usually accompanied by a lamb.

If there is a character who has preserved the use of your daughter's name throughout history, she has undoubtedly been the female protagonist of José Zorrilla's novel, 'Don Juan Tenorio'. Inés or doña Inés, who reflects the purity as nobody and who became one of the icons of those famous impossible loves.

More current, we find two great beauties that carry the name Inés, captivating, elegant and seductive. Both great models of international prestige, have always been admired for their style and elegance, and are the perfect reference for your girl, Inés de la Fressange and Inés Sastre.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.