Knee sprain in children

The knee is a powerful joint, which supports the weight of a good part of the body, and prepared to perform physical activity as rewarding as walking, as hard as climbing hills or as fun as running . But sometimes it can be injured, as in the so-called knee sprain . When a knee sprain occurs in chil

The knee is a powerful joint, which supports the weight of a good part of the body, and prepared to perform physical activity as rewarding as walking, as hard as climbing hills or as fun as running . But sometimes it can be injured, as in the so-called knee sprain.

When a knee sprain occurs in children

First, we will discuss what a sprain is. The word 'sprain' is defined as the injury of a ligament. The ligaments are the fibrous structures that join two bones within a joint, to maximize their stability. It is not surprising that, if a ligament is injured, joint mobility is compromised.

Sprains are classified in different degrees of severity, ranging from small rupture (grade I) to total rupture (grade III).

If we focus on knee sprains, we should mention that the ligament that is most frequently affected is the internal lateral ligament, also called medial collateral. In winter, injuries of this ligamentare frequent during skiing, in relation to forced twisting of the knee that can not be compensated for as a correlative movement of the ankle, since it is blocked. The external lateral ligament is much harder, and is more rarely injured, requiring very important trauma.

Symptoms and treatment of knee sprain in children

The patient with a knee sprain usually manifests pain in the knee in relation to the movements of the knee, as well as lameness. The pain is relieved by slightly flexing the joint.

Your treatment consists of rest for a week, oral anti-inflammatories for 2-3 days and the placement of an elastic bandage on the knee, the distal third of the thigh and the proximal third of the leg. In a timely manner, it requires surgical treatment.