Day of Santa Teresa, October 15. Names for girls

Teresa is a girl's name of Greek origin that means 'the hunter', although there is no shortage who attributes to her a Greek origin with the meaning of 'miraculous'. In any case, it is a perfect name for your daughter because it combines tradition and simplicity with a touch of distinction. Celebrat

Teresa is a girl's name of Greek origin that means 'the hunter', although there is no shortage who attributes to her a Greek origin with the meaning of 'miraculous'.

In any case, it is a perfect name for your daughter because it combines tradition and simplicity with a touch of distinction. Celebrate his name day on October 15, which is the day of Saint Teresa.

Curiosities about the name Teresa

Because of the meaning of her name, Teresa has an enigmatic personality full of charisma and wit. Teresa triumphs in social relationships because of her sympathy, her generosity and her vocation for service, always ready to help others. In addition, Teresa has a great sense of responsibility and is a person of deep convictions.

The name Teresa is known throughout the world with some variations thanks to religious tradition. We especially like his French variant Therese and his English diminutive Tess. In addition, its diminutives in Castilian are very varied, like Tere, Terelu or Teté.

May help you choose the name of your baby the number of historical and current characters we know with the name Teresa. From the nuns who gave great popularity to the name, such as Saint Teresa of Jesus and Mother Teresa of Calcutta to the Roman Polanski film 'Tess'.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of October, consult our calendar of the names of saints in October. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez.