Equine therapy or Hippotherapy for children

By definition Equine therapy is an alternative treatment based on the movements of the horse to stimulate healthy people or children or people and children with special or disabled needs. Many benefits have been found in the use of the horse, especially because it transmits its body heat, heart rate

By definition Equine therapy is an alternative treatment based on the movements of the horse to stimulate healthy people or children or people and children with special or disabled needs. Many benefits have been found in the use of the horse, especially because it transmits its body heat, heart rate and march through impulses that pass through the child's pelvic belt, passing through his spine and reaching his head.

What Equine Therapy can do for children

- Physical benefits: Strengthens children's motor skills, muscles and joints by improving or rehabilitating mobility and balance. Also the organs of the senses such as hearing, touch and sight are very stimulated.

- Psychological benefits:Equitation and equine therapy improve self-esteem and concentration. This practice allows the child the proper management of their emotions and aggressive impulses. The child improves his adaptation, responsibility and self-confidence. They stimulate and improve verbal and non-verbal communication and is a good alternative for children with language problems.

Diseases that are treated with Equine Therapy

It is recommended for all neurological and orthopedic disorders that affect the locomotor system mildly or severely.

Some of the conditions in which it can be recommended are:

- autism

- multiple sclerosis

- cerebral palsy

- psychomotor retardation

- Down syndrome

- chronic bronchial syndrome

- disabilities such as blindness, deafness and muteness.

It is also recommended in children with psychological, psychosomatic or psychiatric pathologies.

In healthy children it is also very used as stimulation, it is said that accompanied by professionals and in a very specialized center, babies from 6 months can be taken to Equine Therapy.

Whether you have a healthy child to stimulate or a child with special needs, you should consult your pediatrician if you can practice this therapy on your child. If so, you should advise yourself well and get a suitable place for its realization and with much experience in children.