Foods that produce cavities in children

We all know that there are some foods that are more harmful to health than others. The same goes for the teeth. It is not the same to eat an apple as a lollipop, right? We analyze foods that can be more harmful to children's teeth and more likely to produce future cavities. Foods harmful to children

We all know that there are some foods that are more harmful to health than others. The same goes for the teeth. It is not the same to eat an apple as a lollipop, right? We analyze foods that can be more harmful to children's teeth and more likely to produce future cavities.

Foods harmful to children's teeth

These are the foods that can most harm your child's teeth:

1. Sweets and sweets with sugar: The sucrose in these foods is very cariogenic (can cause tooth decay). If your child consumes sweets, choose those that disappear from your mouth quickly and not those that stick to your teeth (chewy candies and gummy candy) that remain longer in contact with your teeth. And whenever you finish eating sweets (at any meal or snack), brush your teeth well with fluoride toothpaste.

2. Starch-refined carbohydrates: salty foods such as chips, bread, pasta and crackers can damage children's teeth as well as sweets, since carbohydrates can be transformed into sugars that cause tooth decay.

3. Carbonated soft drinks: Normal soft drinks contain a high amount of sugar and when they are liquid, they reach all the interdental spaces, making it more difficult to eliminate them and spending more time in contact with the enamel of the teeth. Also dietary soft drinks are harmful to the teeth because they stain and stain them.

4. Fruit juices: ente It is much better to consume whole natural fruits than in juice because they contain more fibers. Embassed juices that sometimes contain added sugars are also very harmful to children's teeth. 5.

Lemons, citrus fruits and other acidic foods : The acid in these foods can erode the enamel of your teeth. Citrus fruits and foods with tomatoes, pickles, honey and wine can be harmful to your teeth if they are consumed very regularly or kept in the mouth for too long.How to prevent some foods from harming the teeth of children

It is essential to avoid the harmful effects of these foods to properly brush your teeth and as soon as possible after consuming them. Children should brush their teeth at least twice a day (just before bedtime and after breakfast). Carrying out a fluoride rinse is also beneficial, although toothpaste or fluoride rinsing

is not recommended in very young children , since at first they tend to swallow toothpaste and do not know how to spit well. Check with your dentist.