How to teach children to protect themselves from toxic people

Parents only want their children to grow up happy and to learn to be successful people. But on the road of life we ​​all meet toxic people who steal our energy and even try to sabotage success. Therefore, it is necessary and very important that children learn to protect themselves from toxic people.

Parents only want their children to grow up happy and to learn to be successful people. But on the road of life we ​​all meet toxic people who steal our energy and even try to sabotage success. Therefore, it is necessary and very important that children learn to protect themselves from toxic people.

How to explain who are toxic people to children

The first step that children must learn is, above all, to differentiate what a toxic person is. They should understand that the toxic person is: La - The one that makes them feel bad when we are at their side (for no apparent reason). La - The one that tells them things that hurt them emotionally.

- People who criticize or try to do wrong to others.

- Those who humiliate.

- Those who insult.

- Those who seem good people but the reality is that they are manipulators.

- Those who make you feel shame.

But for a child to be able to protect himself from toxic people, apart from knowing how to differentiate them, it will be necessary for him to learn some strategies that will help him to protect himself from them

even if he can not get away from them. Sometimes these toxic people are people who are too close to the child, such as a teacher, family member or classmate. In this case, it is necessary to know that sometimes toxic people are too close but that they will have the last power to decide if their behavior affects them or not. But what is it that should be taught to the little ones?

6 ways to teach the child to protect themselves from toxic people 1. Enhance their character and self-esteem.

The words or behavior of others do not have to be something that affects them.

2. Differentiate if that person is really toxic or not . That a teacher of the school is of a certain way does not mean that it is toxic or that 'it has taken to him hobby'. Dife 3. Differentiate if it is not your own behavior (that of the child)

the one that is causing uncomfortable circumstances (for example, if the child feels anxiety, if he is nervous, if he has inappropriate behavior, etc.).4. The child should know

that he will have the support of his parents under any circumstance. 5.

Learn to set limits before other people . Telling children that we all have a protective barrier that helps us around us and that he can make it very strong. It is an invisible but powerful protective barrier. Each time you are in a situation where you have a toxic person nearby, you must 'activate' it so that nothing that the other person does or says does affect you. 6.

He should always be kind and respectful with others in order to receive that same behavior, even from toxic people.