
But, what are the most common causes of dispute in the couple for the children? even the happiest couples fail to escape disagreements or fights between them even though they once thought they were the perfect couple and that there could never be different opinions. Causas 5 causes of arguments in t

But, what are the most common causes of dispute in the couple for the children? even the happiest couples fail to escape disagreements or fights between them even though they once thought they were the perfect couple and that there could never be different opinions. Causas 5 causes of arguments in the couple for the children

1. Money.

Money is one of the main reasons why couples argue. How much money is there to spend on children and how much is there for the rest (and leisure time)? It is clear that children will always be the first thing before any expense, but you also have to organize the money so that it reaches everything and that it also remains to live a little.

2. Time for oneself. When you are not a father you do not argue about this, but when the children are already in life, then it can become a whole competition. How much time have you spent in the shower? Why do you have an hour to exercise and I do not have time? There are some questions that couples can ask themselves. The ideal is to divide the work of the home and the care of children equally to be able to have time for oneself every day, even if it is little and without thinking about competition.

3. Education. Before the children are born, it is necessary to be very clear about the type of education that is intended to be transmitted to children. Values ​​are very important for child development and should be in unison. For this reason, before engaging in discussions in front of children, it is necessary to know the educational path that each one wants to be able to follow the same path.

4. The political family. Children must always respect the figures that make up the political family, since they can be a reason for discussion. For example, a grandmother who meddles in the education of children, an aunt who speaks more than the account ... It is necessary to take into account that they are what they are and that you can not change people, simply put limits on them. What is clear is that it is not worth discussing with the couple for the family, but you have to know where the limit is so that it does not affect you as a couple.

5. Household chores. When it comes to home, it may cause problems in couples. It is clear that the responsibility is of both equally, but what happens if you work all day and then when you get home you have to take care of the children? What matters is to keep in mind a good organization of cleaning and caring for children, distribute work equally to avoid fights and negative feelings.