Basic kit for the baby

Many parents when their babies are born are a bit lost when it comes to knowing what first aid and emergency supplies they need for the newborn . Some families choose to buy a kit with all the necessary equipment, while others prefer to have their own products depending on the age and needs of their

Many parents when their babies are born are a bit lost when it comes to knowing what first aid and emergency supplies they need for thenewborn.

Some families choose to buy a kit with all the necessary equipment, while others prefer to have their own products depending on the age and needs of their baby. Here are some tips tohave your own emergency kit.

Emergency telephone numbers in the first aid kit

It is highly recommended to have in the first aid kit the emergency telephone numbers , for example, the nearest medical center, the police and fire department numbers and the number of the national toxicology center.You can also include, in the case of babysitting, your telephone. Of course, also point out the phone number of other relatives and the del dad's work

in case the caregiver does not locate them in their private number. Medicines in the baby's kit Although it is essential to consult the pediatrician when it comes to medicating the baby, there are some drugs that should be taken in your child's kit. For example, for children under three months it is advised to have

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gotas preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado preparado.. Up to three years, ibuprofen and syrup of ipecacuanha is also recommended, which induces vomiting in case of intoxication, but before consulting the national toxicology center.It is also recommended to include sunscreen, 90% alcohol, antibiotic ointment for wounds, 0.5% hydrocostisone cream for diaper rash and

insect stings en. The application of corticosteroids should always be monitored by the pediatrician.

Other products of the baby's kit In addition to the drugs, there are other products that can be added to the baby's kit. This is the case of athermometer

, strips, bandages and sterile gauze, tweezers, scissors adapted for cuticles and a nasal aspirator for snot. Beware of expired drugs, f jars without a safety cap for children, prescription drugs for other family members, antihistamines, laxatives and other products not indicated for the baby. They should never be included in the child's kit and should be kept out of reach.

Patricia García. Editor of