4 Games to practice assertiveness with children

Assertiveness is a very important skill to relate to others. It involves not only what we say but how we address the people around us (look, tone of voice ...). Despite the fact that during life, people develop different styles to solve conflicts: aggressive, passive ... Assertiveness is the only on

Assertiveness is a very important skill to relate to others. It involves not only what we say but how we address the people around us (look, tone of voice ...).

Despite the fact that during life, people develop different styles to solve conflicts: aggressive, passive ... Assertiveness is the only one that does not make us lose opportunities, allows us to express ourselves, resolves conflicts effectively and gets us to relate better with the rest. Hence the importance of teaching children from childhood to be assertive.

Games to get the child to be assertive

If you want to encourage your child to be assertive at home, you should start with the whole family. The best training starts playing at home the whole family and that is why we offer you games that you can implement at home in an easy way and that will allow you to develop assertiveness:

1. The feelings box: This game helps the child to express their feelings in an appropriate way. Why not put a feeling box at home where we express how a situation has made us feel? On the weekend we can read all the messages, and so our son can understand how that situation made them feel. For example: 'I felt bad when my brother did not let me play with his friends'. In case you can not write it, you can draw it. The goal is for everyone to start by saying: I felt ... When… .

2. Five good or bad minutes:Another way to express our feelings is to play the game of 5 good and bad minutes. It is so simple how to get the family together for a while every day so that we can all talk about how our day has gone: One thing that we liked and another that we did not like at all. The only requirement will be that we look each other in the eye.

3. The chained story:This game helps the peaceful resolution of conflicts. There is nothing better to learn than a story, so in addition to encouraging creativity and reading, you can improve your assertiveness by playing the chained story. To play, write your own stories where among all think of ways to resolve conflicts, the only requirement is that the protagonist face the problems in a non-violent way. To get the imagination to flow better try to start the story: 'That cold winter morning, Marco did not want to go to school. I was very afraid of Germán because ... 'It will be a chained story where everyone will shape those characters and their problems.

4. The debate:It raises an issue in which we all have to agree. The rules will be to listen to all points of view, respect the turn of others and speak without hurting the rest. The game can be proposing things to you. For example: 'What 3 things would save if the house burned?' What superpower would you choose? ' Once the question is posed, give them a list with different things to choose from, in the case of the house you could put your favorite toy, tablet, photos, television ... Make a list of 10 things, choose 3 each and then all You will have to reach an agreement as a family If you want to add difficulty, try to give each one a style (assertive, passive and aggressive) and during the whole debate have to act according to the style that has touched them or if you want to be even more practice, try to do it with things that we all have to choose: where are we going on a trip, choose the menu of the week ...