Home remedies for sore throat in children

Sore throat is one of the symptoms of a cold or cold and is usually caused by a virus or bacteria. It usually occurs due to a contagion of viral origin such as the cold or the flu. More serious are bacterial infections such as streptococcus and are usually treated with antibiotics, something that do

Sore throat is one of the symptoms of a cold or cold and is usually caused by a virus or bacteria. It usually occurs due to a contagion of viral origin such as the cold or the flu. More serious are bacterial infections such as streptococcus and are usually treated with antibiotics, something that does not work at all for common colds.

There are times when traditional and home remedies are really effective when it comes to relieving some discomfort such as coughing or sore throat. They are ideal for parents who do not like to give medicines to children or as a complement to them. Tr 7 Homemade tricks to relieve sore throat

1. One of the remedies is associated with

red pepper (cayenne) . You have to dissolve a teaspoon of pepper in a glass of tempered water and gargle several times. Cal 2. Heat water in a glass and addteaspoon of salt

, mix well and gargle every half hour. 3. Heat water in the microwave and add a teaspoon of honey and a squeeze of lemon juice. The child can drink it or gargle. Prepa 4. Prepare a ginger tea in a glass of hot water, add lemon juice and a pinch of black pepper powder.5.

Keep the child's throat warm

, to do this prepare a chamomile tea, dip a towel in it, wring it out and wrap the child's neck for a while with it.

6. The throat should always be moist: drinking plenty of water or juice helps a lot. Hier 7. Boil water in a saucepan, pour 30 grams of sageand let it mix for one minute. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper and let stand for 1 minute. The child has to gargle while it is still hot.

In any case, if the sore throat persists and is accompanied by fever that lasts 3 days it is convenient to visit the pediatrician to apply a stronger treatment.