10 Names for popular children in Mexico in 2016

You may already have a clear idea of ​​your child's name, but most families take their time before choosing the baby's name, so we want to give you some ideas with the most beautiful names. A good idea is to look at the trends in the names of each country. The most popular names for children in Mexi

You may already have a clear idea of ​​your child's name, but most families take their time before choosing the baby's name, so we want to give you some ideas with the most beautiful names. A good idea is to look at the trends in the names of each country. The

most popular names for children in Mexico in 2016 we love them because they are traditional names, without shrillness, but with great force. Popular names in Mexico in 2016

1. Santiago.

This name has a Hebrew origin and means 'God will reward' . It is one of the most traditional names in Mexico that is kept topical by the personality it has.2. José.

The name has a Hebrew origin and a meaning of 'abundance' . Its strength is such that it is impossible not to find it in the lists of frequent names year after year and in many places in the world.3. Sebastian.

It is a name of Greek origin with a meaning related to 'respect' . It is a very familiar name and its charm lies in that touch of distinction that accompanies it.4. Daniel.

This name of Hebrew origin and that means 'justice of God' is one of the surprises in popular names for 2016 in Mexico. We like it because despite being a traditional name it has not been worn out by use. 5. David.

Of Hebrew origin and with a meaning related to 'love' , this biblical name does not go out of fashion and remains one of the favorites of families all over the world.6. Diego.

The name is of Hebrew origin and means 'held by the heel' . Actually it is a variant of Jacobo, but in this version we like it more because it gives off a certain air of nobility and sophistication.7. Nicolás.

It is a name of Greek origin meaning 'the victory of the people' . It is installed with force in the list of frequent names in Mexico because it is a name with a lot of charm and personality.8. Alejandro.

This name of Greek origin and with a meaning of 'the one that protects men' is one of the most frequent in the whole world. In spite of taking years in the lists of popular names, he has not lost any of his strength or his charisma. 9. Javier.

The name is of Basque origin and means 'new house' . It is one of those traditional names that are renewed every time appearing with forcefulness in the lists of popular names.10. Carlos.

This name of Germanic origin meaning 'strong man' possesses a special charm fruit of its long tradition and its own meaning. Undoubtedly, one of the safest bets on names for children. Laura Vélez.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com