The name Noa. Origin and meaning

If you already know the sex of your baby and you have discovered that you are going to have a girl now it is time to choose the name. You can get inspired by the hottest names right now to find the perfect name for your girl. One of the names for girls that we like the most and that will be a trend

If you already know the sex of your baby and you have discovered that you are going to have a girl now it is time to choose the name. You can get inspired by the hottest names right now to find the perfect name for your girl. One of the names for girls that we like the most and that will be a trend for this year is Noa, a very particular name that gives off a special charisma and great strength. Discover the origin and meaning of name Noa

. Curiosities about the name NoaThe name Noa is of Hebrew origin and has a meaning of


, which is the most successful for a girl. Its popularity increases every year and for 2016 it will be one of the most demanded names for girls for its simplicity and charm. Noa is a very special name that celebrates its name day on November 10th. This name Noa that exerts an irresistible attraction because it is one of those unisex names that serve both girls and boys. The male version should be Noah, although many families choose to choose Noa before they evenknow the sex of the baby

. We find it inevitable not to remember with this name of the emotional film 'El diario de Noa'. Noa has that strength of short names that can reinforce your girl's personality. It stands out for that mixture between forcefulness and delicacy that every girl needs and we like because it is amodern name

and original without falling into extravagance. Undoubtedly, this is a sure bet on girl names. Because Noa is a name wrapped in the contradiction of its originality despite its long tradition. It is a biblical name that we have known since ancient times, but until a few decades ago it had not been used as often as in recent years. And is that Noa comes strongly to be placed on the list of frequent names

of many countries. Laura Vélez. Editor of