Diet to get pregnant with a girl

The Baretta Method is a technique based on feeding the mother before pregnancy. The method, which is developed by Argentine biochemist Adriana Baretta, defends that you can choose the sex of the baby based on the changes that a diet produces in the cervical mucus of women, in a natural way, during t

The Baretta Method is a technique based on feeding the mother before pregnancy. The method, which is developed by Argentine biochemist Adriana Baretta, defends that you can choose the sex of the baby based on the changes that a diet produces in the cervical mucus of women, in a natural way, during their fertile days.

According to the book Child or Nina? You can already choose (2006) consumption as well as the proper balance of some minerals, as is the case of Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium, can favor the conception of a child or a girl.

Being pregnant with a girl

According to the Baretta method, there are some foods that can influence a woman's metabolism and help her conceive a girl. The consumption of certain foods in abundance and the reduction of others can help mothers to have a girl. These changes in diet must be made before fertilization, to modify the metabolism of women and make them more receptive to X (female) sperm.

The method focuses on the consistency of the cervical mucus of the woman, the conductive medium of the sperm on its way to the ovule. The male sperm (with Y charge) are faster, smaller and numerous, which arrive before the ovum but live less time. They favor the alkaline environment and the female sperm, the saline. By means of the diet that means can be modified, that is to say, a high proportion of calcium and magnesium in the diet, accompanied by a decrease of sodium and potassium, favors the acidic medium in the cervical mucus, which benefits the X sperm, that is, the conception of a girl.

Diet to conceive a girl

To conceive a girl, the biochemistry Alejandra Baretta aconseja, advises that the woman follow the following diet: Alimentos - Foods rich in Calcium and Magnesium. Avoid foods rich in Sodium and Potassium. El - Fish, as well as beef, lamb, veal, rabbit and pork (frozen or fresh, smoked or salted), provide a lot of Calcium and Magnesium. It suggests about 30 grams of meat per day.- Milk and dairy products (cheeses, yoghurts, smoothies, etc.) can be consumed daily. About 150 ml, approximately, per day.

- Eat fruits, at least 3 pieces a day because they provide Magnesium and Calcium. Cherries, strawberries, oranges, tangerines, pineapples, grapefruit ... fresh or frozen.

- Eat at least two servings of vegetables and legumes a day. They provide a lot of Magnesium and little Sodium. Asparagus, lettuce, peas, carrots, peppers, zucchini and others are highly recommended, since they are fresh and not frozen or canned.

- Magnesium can also be found in cereals. In the bread, in the rice and in the pasta. It is recommended to consume them with the minimum amount of salt. Se - You should avoid sausages, broth tablets, canned blue fish (for its high amount of salt), as well as soy, cocoa, onion and honey (rich in potassium).


It is necessary to consider that this type of diet should only be followed for a couple of months before conception and under strict medical control. Any modification of the diet of this type should be done under the supervision of a doctor.