The affection of the parents is vital for the baby

The correct emotional development of the baby depends, to a great extent, on the affection that the parents have generously given to the baby during its first months. This affection, affection and unconditional love that all parents feel for their newborn baby is necessary for him and fully stimulat

The correct emotional development of the baby depends, to a great extent, on the affection that the parents have generously given to the baby during its first months. This affection, affection and unconditional love that all parents feel for their newborn baby is necessary for him and fully stimulates his limbic system to establish relationships with his adult reference.

The importance of the parents' affection during the first months of the baby

The baby when he is born is helpless. He has been nine months in his mother's gut and can not have a psychological development very independent of his mother. He needs to be cuddled, caressed, to be in contact with his mother, who until now is what he has lived.

The mother is the one who defines the baby by showing the limits of the body. The baby has a strange feeling of the external world around him, which is new to him; so it will interact, at first, with the medium in an insecure way, it will explore everything, and it will be the mother who will have to show what everything is.

It is clear that the mother is still in the process of recovery from childbirth and is not completely well, so this circumstance, it is possible, that affects her in her bond with baby. For this reason, the role of the father at this time is very important, since he will be the one who will give support to the mother and will provide the baby with the necessary affection.

In terms of physical development, there have not yet been major movements or changes, the baby spends many hours sleeping and is usually quiet most of the day. It moves arms and legs, but very little by little.

Toys should be adapted to the age of the baby. The toys of 0-3 months usually have rounded shapes and are designed with contrasting colors to get their attention, since their vision is not yet defined. In this stage, the mission of the parents is to try to stimulate them, accompanying them in their development. Through our observation, we will see what he likes most and what catches his attention.

Initially, the baby will begin to follow the objects with his eyes and later start to pick them up. To choose toys we must take into account several aspects. First, the size. It must be appropriate to your hand. If it is small, it will be able to catch it well just as it takes our finger. We must also look at the age at which the toy is aimed, and keep in mind that their attention is still very scarce, so we should not force them to spend a lot of time fixing their attention because they are not capable yet.

It is important that you get to know your body. Towards three months the social smile appears, which shows us that it is already coming into contact with the external world. It is an age in which the mother and the baby interact together with the support of dad. We must bear in mind that stimulating is not to accelerate the learning process, but to accompany it in its development.