Hypopressive gymnastics to lose abdomen after pregnancy

Losing belly, that is the desire of thousands of women who see how their abdomen does not return to its place after pregnancy. However, doing a hundred crunches a day, running 5 kilometers or undergoing harsh aerobic sessions is not easy, or fun, So how do you lose your gut? Among the methods consid

Losing belly, that is the desire of thousands of women who see how their abdomen does not return to its place after pregnancy. However, doing a hundred crunches a day, running 5 kilometers or undergoing harsh aerobic sessions is not easy, or fun,

So how do you lose your gut? Among the methods considered most effective is hypopressive gymnastics. It is a more calm, relaxing and less exhausting method than others. You can practice at home and just be constant to see the results in a few weeks. Experts say that you can lose between 2 and 10 centimeters of abdomen in 2 months with this method.

Benefits of hypopressive gymnastics in the postpartum

The main benefit is abdominal reduction, but also their exercises help to:

- Prevent urinary incontinence.

- It solves edemas in the legs.

- Help avoid muscle injuries.

- Palia pains cervical or lumbar.

- Power the feeling of well-being.

- Improves sexual relations.

How hypopressive gymnastics is practiced

There are up to 150 different exercises of hypopressive gymnastics and several levels of difficulty. Experts recommend starting with an expert to know all the techniques and positions well. Subsequently, they can be done in a particular way.

It may seem at first that this gymnastics is to put so much gut that even mark the ribs, but his technique is more complex and is based on performing a series of postures accompanied by a few breaths:

- Posture: To be able to perform them Correctly you have to have a perfect diaphragmatic control. There are several types of postures: standing, supine and four-legged. In each of them, the arms, head and trunk should be placed in a certain way and an expiratory apnea should be performed.

- Breathing: It is about releasing all the air from the lungs and performing the act of inspiring but not letting in the air. This exercise generates a pressure in the abdomen since the gut goes in and the viscera go up to the thoracic cavity. This way, the entire abdominal band is worked and also the pelvic floor.