Who am I? Classic game for children

The children's games serve, in addition to entertaining birthday parties and other social events, to improve the development of the child and its socialization. The little ones begin to lose their fear of speaking and expressing themselves in front of other people, something very important for the f

The children's games serve, in addition to entertaining birthday parties and other social events, to improve the development of the child and its socialization. The little ones begin to lose their fear of speaking and expressing themselves in front of other people, something very important for the future.

From Guiainfantil.comwe want to remember some of the traditional games that were part of our lives and that today continue to be part of leisure and free time for our children as is the case of the game of guessing 'Who am I' .

How to play Who am I

The traditional game of 'Who am I' is a hobby that adults also play, since it is very fun and entertaining to see how the participants squeeze their brains to discover their character.

The rules of the game are very simple:

1. Several participants must be in a circle.

2. Each participant must write on a piece of paper the name of a character (real or fiction).

3. When everyone has written the character must stick it on the forehead of the partner they have located on your right.

4. They must all choose one to start asking questions to try to discover the character they have on their foreheads.

5. The answers have to be of the type 'Yes-No', for example: am I a cartoon character? If the answer is 'Yes' the player will ask another question and so on until he fails, giving the turn to the partner on his right.

6. As they guess the character, they will leave the game.

7. The last participant to guess who his character is will be proclaimed as 'the donkey' of the game.

Tips: How many more participants have the game, better and more fun.