Dreaming of insects. Interpretation of children's dreams

An insect can be terrifying for those who can not stand these animals, or something truly fun for others. There are children who can not even see them, and others who are wishing to be in touch with nature and the outdoors of the field precisely because of the amount of insects that can be found. Th

An insect can be terrifying for those who can not stand these animals, or something truly fun for others. There are children who can not even see them, and others who are wishing to be in touch with nature and the outdoors of the field precisely because of the amount of insects that can be found. Therefore, it is quite common for children of all types and conditions, both those who

love insects and those who avoid them as much as possible, to find them in their dreams, giving rise to a pleasant sensation or an authentic nightmare . So, what does it mean to dream about it? Insects and their meaning in children's dreams

Despite what might seem at first, that a child dreams of insects is not entirely positive, at least depending on the 'bug' in question. While in

the case of the fly , it can be very annoying, and it could be related to the bad behavior that some children may have in various circumstances.Dreaming of the fly can reveal that situation of

discomfort of our son, which causes him to rebel or not want to follow the rules imposed on coexistence or education. If on the other hand we are talking, for example, of a

mosquito , I would also go in the same line, since I would talk about irritation or a feeling that is not entirely positive in the case of the child, who would be looking for attention in his environment. If they werecockroaches it would not be something that brings good omens either. When the child dreams of butterflies is positive

On the other hand, we can make a

positive reading if the insect in question is for example, a butterfly. If our son dreams of a butterfly, possibly he can caress her or play friendly with her, then luck and fortune are on his side. The

good news and good omens are assured when the child is in his dreams face to face with a butterfly, since it will probably be more pleasant than with another type of insect, and will bring all the good things to him. Therefore, at the moment when the child tells us that

he has dreamed about insects , it is advisable that we inquire about what type in question, and the activity with it, since it will depend on whether they are pleasant games , or most annoying situations.Marta Marciel.

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