Obesity in babies

Obesity is a disorder not very frequent in babies before 6 months, when they are exclusively fed with breast milk or artificial milk. However, it is already common to find babies who suffer from obesity from that age, when they start introducing complementary feeding. How to know if my baby is obese

Obesity is a disorder not very frequent in babies before 6 months, when they are exclusively fed with breast milk or artificial milk. However, it is already common to find babies who suffer from obesity from that age, when they start introducing complementary feeding.

How to know if my baby is obese?According to the World Health Organization cuando, when the baby's weight is 20% higher than the ideal weight according to the percentile tables.Risks and problems of having a baby with obesity

The main cause of obesity in babies is due to

mistakes when feeding the child : you are given large amounts of food, you introduce food ahead of time or you are offered sweet. All this increases his weight, especially in those stages in which his mobility is reduced and he does not exercise physically.They are not frequent cases but

children breastfed exclusively with breast milk can also be obese since many times moms offer the breast to the child every time they cry as they think they want to eat. In this way, the number of shots is multiplied. For obesity there is also a genetic component

, although the main reason for the child to suffer from obesity is that the poor eating habits of the parents pass to the children.We must not forget that obesity implies a complication for health. The main risks of having a baby with obesity are:

- shows

delays in movement since it is difficult for him to move excess weight: it takes him walking, sitting or crawling. Se - you learn to eat from the early stages so that the baby's appetite will be determined by that poor diet. - may later suffer from diseases such as diabetes, locomotor system disorders, cardiovascular problems and even some type of cancer.

The main prevention of obesity in babies is that

breastfeeding is done exclusively until 6 months

avoiding introducing any other food. And, when the complementary feeding is done, do not give the baby sweets, cookies, snacks, fried or soft drinks. If the baby already has an obesity disorder, it is important that the pediatrician sees it so that he can check his diet and give the parents healthy guidelines according to their age and weight.