Day of Saint Pedro Damián, February 21. Names for children

Pedro Damián is a compound name for a child, ideal for your child, especially if he was born on February 21, which is the day of his name day in honor of Saint Peter Damian. Many parents prefer a compound name because in the future, the child will have more facility to opt for the name that most def

Pedro Damián is a compound name for a child, ideal for your child, especially if he was born on February 21, which is the day of his name day in honor of Saint Peter Damian.

Many parents prefer a compound name because in the future, the child will have more facility to opt for the name that most defines their way of being.

In addition, both Pedro and Damián are names of a long tradition but that are still current.

Curiosities of the name Pedro Damián

Pedro is a name for a child of Latin origin meaning "stone" or "rock". It is a name that although it has been used since ancient times is not at all obsolete. On the contrary, he has a great familiarity that makes children who are named after him people who can be trusted easily. On the other hand, Damián is a name for child of Greek origin that means "the tamer", and that comes from the same family as Damaso.

Both names, Pedro and Damián, are frequent names throughout the world, although we note that Damián has acquired a special popularity in recent years in the Anglo-Saxon realm. While Damián maintains his invariable form in almost all languages, the name Pedro gives rise to a myriad of well-known variants such as Peter, Pere, Pierre, Pierrot or Piero.

We found many personalities named Pedro or Damián. Damián is one of the names of the well-known Jamaican singer Bob Marley, Damian Robert Nesta Marley, as well as the real name of the comic character we know as Robin, the son of Batman, Damian Wayne. In the literature, we find the broadest representation of the name Pedro in the figure of the Pierrot of the Comedia del Arte.

But the compound name Pedro Damián is also frequent, given the importance of the Saint of Ravenna. This is how we find the successful actor, director and Mexican producer Pedro Damián, the writer Pedro Damián Cano or the footballer Pedro Damián Álvarez.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of