Compliant children

Conformism has always been accompanied by comfort, it is an emotional endurance that blocks the struggle to achieve what is really wanted in life. Conforming children learn to be children when they grow up in an environment where they see their parents or adults daily they do not fight for their int

Conformism has always been accompanied by comfort, it is an emotional endurance that blocks the struggle to achieve what is really wanted in life. Conforming children learn to be children when they grow up in an environment where they see their parents or adults daily they do not fight for their interests ni, nor for their morality, nor do they know how to face problems properly.There are those who think that conformism is a way of being happy, but it really is a happiness that masks low self-esteem, since the

children who conform to everything let themselves be carried away by the people around them ... with all that That means when they reach such complicated ages as adolescence. A conformist child is a child who finds it difficult to make real decisions for himself because everything seems good, without criteria and without anyone encouraging his critical thinking, something that will undoubtedly be vetoing his autonomy in maturational development.

Is it good or bad for a child to be a conformist?

Those who consider it an effective way to be happy and from their point of view can feel that it is not a bad thing, but it really is. Many adults think that being a nonconformist is

a form of rebelling against society and for this reason considers it negative , the fact of 'not following the masses' can be an uncomfortable situation. But there are cases and cases, for example in road traffic both children and adults must be conformist because 'it is what there is'.But in other circumstances of life where children and people can have the ability to make decisions, conformism can be a big problem to have a proper development full integrity.

Conformism does not allow us to express the opinions that we really have but that do not agree with the group, and what is really achieved with that? Therefore conformist children are so because they let themselves be carried away by the decisions that the majority takes because they find in this way of being the following aspects:

- Social approval.

- Social acceptance.

- Conflicts with others are avoided.

But they will also feel a large negative part that

can influence them negatively in their person desarrollo and personality development: - If you do not act how you really are or how you think you should act you create a dissonance inside or discomfort, something that in the short term is supported but that if it continues to endure can create serious emotional problems and changes in behavior. El - Conformism vetoes the innate creativity of people by accepting what is imposed.