Day of the Saint Florian, May 4th. Names for children

Florián is a name for a child of Latin origin meaning "he who blooms". It is one of those names of great beauty for its musicality and for the load of nobility it contains. Although it is not one of the most frequent names, Florián is not outdated, but is endowed with originality and charisma, so it

Florián is a name for a child of Latin origin meaning "he who blooms". It is one of those names of great beauty for its musicality and for the load of nobility it contains.

Although it is not one of the most frequent names, Florián is not outdated, but is endowed with originality and charisma, so it can be perfect for your child. Celebrate your name day on May 4, which is the day of San Florián.

Curiosities about the name Florián

Because of the meaning of its name, Florián stands out for its noble and loyal character. With an intelligent and intuitive intelligence, Florián stands out in social relationships because he possesses an air of dignity and mystery that makes him extremely attractive. In addition, Florián has a great capacity of effort, so it is easy to achieve success in the workplace.

The name Florián is known in all languages ​​with hardly any variations. Although in the Hispanic sphere it is not very frequent, it is in the Anglo-Saxon world where it is one of the most familiar names. We can also find other variants of your child's name in Spanish, such as Floriano or Floro.

Throughout history we find many personalities who have taken the name of your child, both in the form of a name and a surname. This is the case of Florián Rey, who was the artistic name of one of the precursor directors of Spanish cinema, Antonio Martínez del Castillo, or of the chronicler of Carlos I, Florián de Ocampo.

But the name of your son is also found in a Colombian town, Florián, which has a motto that has caught our attention: "the city of open windows". In addition, we find the name Florián in the title of one of the novels of the German writer Jean Paul, "The journey of the rector Florian Fälbel".

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of May, consult our calendar of the names of May Saints. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez. Collaborator of