Why should we put children's food rations under control

Although it may be something that goes unnoticed, portions of certain foods began to increase in the 1980s until they reached rations of disproportionate sizes at present . For example, the size of some cookies or muffins, as well as the size of hamburgers or portions of pizza has grown disproportio

Although it may be something that goes unnoticed, portions of certain foods began to increase in the 1980s until they reached rations of disproportionate sizes at present. For example, the size of some cookies or muffins, as well as the size of hamburgers or portions of pizza has grown disproportionately.

At Guiainfantil.com we focus on the importance of putting children's food rations under control.

How to put children's food rations under control

Except in haute cuisine restaurants where the tendency tends to be the opposite, also the size of the dishes in the restaurants has increased so much that you barely get to the bottom with the fork. On the other hand, carbonated drinks or juices that a few decades ago did not exceed 200ml, are now rarely below 330ml. While it should be made clear that most of these foods used as examples should not be in our children's diet, on special occasions they are, and it is not the same to offer a normal ration that is suitable for a giant.

These oversized portions are not unhealthy for the children's diet, that is why we must put children's food rations under control. And is that, a substantial increase in weight, the overconsumption of macronutrients has negative connotations for future health such as diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia or an increased risk of coronary heart disease in adulthood.

After analyzing this, how can we be surprised that the trend towards childhood overweight and obesity has been increasing in recent decades? What can we do to offer appropriately sized portions for our children? Although the dishes offered at home are healthy, if the portions are too large the problem is still there. Lo - The most important thing and the first step to try to regulate the portions that children consume is to get the body to take what it needs and not what it wants.

It is easy that, when he is used to consuming large portions, the child wishes to continue eating once he has satiated, since he is not able to detect this state of satiety, and in addition, there is still food on his plate! Support him when he decides that he does not want to eat anymore, even if there is food left, it is important that he learn that finishing the dish is not necessary. - To help the child listen to his body it is convenient to decrease the rations progressively

. It may be practical to serve the food before taking it to the table and in smaller plates, so visually it does not seem less quantity. Inte - Try that the child does not arrive very hungry at the next meal, when eating quickly and eagerly it is easy to overeat.

Interestingly, children who serve their own portions relatively young often do so in very appropriate amounts, so if you are still on time, put it into practice, your child will probably surprise you!