Names for children related to love

Valentine is approaching and it is time to celebrate love. Nothing like choosing a name for your baby that is related to love to recreate each day that feeling that unites you with your child. If you have not yet decided on the name, we have a list of names of love for children. Names related to lov

Valentine is approaching and it is time to celebrate love. Nothing like choosing a name for your baby that is related to love to recreate each day that feeling that unites you with your child. If you have not yet decided on the name, we have a list of names of love for children. Names related to love for children are names that never go out of fashion, because love is not subject to trends. In this list of

names of love for a child you will surely find the perfect name for your baby. Names of love for a child

1. David.

The name is of Hebrew origin and means 'the one who is loved' . It is a traditional name that never goes out of fashion and has managed to maintain its strength and personality.2. Amador.

This name is of Latin origin and its meaning is evident. For being so eloquent, it is a name that those parents who want to rescue the most nombres ancient names de of the tradition like. 3. Harsal. It is a name of Hindu origin that means'lover'

. Both for its meaning and for being totally original is one of the most loving names for your child. 4. Romeo. The name has a Latin origin and its meaning refers to 'Rome'. If we find it in this list of names related to love is by the protagonist of'Romeo and Juliet'

, the greatest love story ever told. 5. Valentine. This name is of Latin origin and its meaning is related to'force'

. Although it does not make reference to the love, the name can not be missing in this list of names loving for being Saint Valentine the Saint of the love. 6. Erasmus. It is a name of Greek origin meaning'beloved'

. We like it because despite knowing each other since ancient times, it has not been widely used and is totally original. 7. Eros. The name is of Greek origin and belongs to thegod of 'love' siendo, that being precisely its meaning. It is a short but very strong name that is very original.

8. Amadis. This name of Latin origin has a meaning also related to love. It is a name with a marked medieval flavor that is presented renewed and very distinguished. 9. Tadeo.It is a name that has an Aramaic origin and a meaning of

'heart' . Although it is not very common in Spanish-speaking countries, the name reappears with force because it is very charismatic.

10. Paris. The name is of Greek originand does not have a clear meaning, but it is related to the love for being the name of the Trojan prince who fell in love with Helena. Without a doubt, a very original name and full of love.

Laura Vélez. Editor of